Even before I got pregnant I dreamed of making my baby his/her own food. I love cooking so I thought it would be no different when I had a baby. My girlfriends were sweet enough to give me the Beaba BabyCook at my baby shower. Little did I know that after I had a baby, life would set in. Between changing diapers, making bottles, cleaning house and doing laundry I had no time to even think about making Sterling homemade baby food. So, I turned to pre-made baby food. I tried to make myself feel better by buying only organic brands like EarthsBest and Gerber. Yet my conscious still nagged at me. This weekend I finally busted out my BabyCook and was delighted to find how easy it is to make baby food. This contraption is genius. It steams your baby food and then purees it in 15 mins or less. Today I made my precious little man homemade sweet potatoes and peaches. I’m not saying I will be making homemade baby food everyday. However, it sure did feel good to buy local produce and make my baby the freshest and purest food he could have!
oh he is precious!!!
okay, so i've been making baby food for add since he was about 8 months.
the beaba is great for a meal in a pinch, but i found that making it in bulk is so much easier. i just set aside one afternoon a week (sometimes every other week) and make a huge batches of a few things, freeze in trays and then store in ziplocs. every night i just portion out his meals and let them thaw in the fridge.
i'm sure you've heard all this before, but it really does save time in the end!
Natalie–I am so impressed! I can't say I've ever attempted to make my own baby food. Heck, I think my kids started eating Cheese-Its as soon as they were born