Is there anything this woman can’t do?? Dance, sing, act, cook, dress incredibly and raise two sweet kids. I have loved Gwyneth for a long time. Anyone remember a little movie called, Sliding Doors? Yep, that’s how loyal I am. Loved her in that movie, loved her with her short pixie haircut while she dated Brad Pitt and I love her even more now. She and Olivia Palermo are my two girl crushes.
Gwyneth was amazing on Glee tonight. Hilarious and her voice was great. I thought she was spot on acting and on top of all that she looked gorgeous. I am so jealous of her svelte figure. Her dance moves were ridiculous, proof I guess that those Tracey Anderson videos do work. I loved every number she sang. Between this and the episode with Britney Spears, Glee has been killing it this year!
Anyone else watch Glee and love Gwyneth as much as I do?
photos: google
Seriously? I just logged on so that I could blog about my Gweny girl crush! Back to the drawing board for me…haha.
Watched it. Loved it. She crushed it. And I desperately want you to try the TA videos so that I can borrow them in a few months
Love Glee and love Gwynnie and haven't had a chance to watch it yet. It's waiting for me on my dvr. Can't wait
So glad someone else is as addicted to Gwyneth as I am! Love love GOOP and downloaded Forget You from Glee to run to!!
she is my other girl crush!!! do you subscribe to GOOP ….. it is awesome.