I have had several requests to do a new updated Day in My Life post. I always love seeing how others spend their days and manage their time. This is a fairly typical weekday during the school year.
6:15- alarm goes off. I rarely press snooze I just get out of bed. I always immediately get up and brush my teeth. I hate stank morning breath. Then I walk to Sterling’s room and start waking him. Sometimes he pops right up other days it is a struggle. We usually try and lay out his clothes the night before so there is no discussion what he will wear. He can be super picky so this helps save some time.
6:30-7 I boil water for my lemon water. I drink this first thing every morning. For the past month I have been adding in a scoop of Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides. It is great for your hair and skin and the protein helps keep me full.
Then I pack the kid’s lunches and fix them breakfast. They usually eat waffles, yogurt or cereal in the morning- quick easy foods. This is the Sugarbooger Bento lunch box I mentioned on my amazon post.
During this hour I take Sterling to school. Come back home and get Frances dressed. Then I finish up my blog post for the day if there is anything left to be done. I get dressed for the gym, put on make-up and make coffee. I bought this Nespresso 3 years ago after Christmas and still love it- it is on sale HERE
Then I make my breakfast. I try and do eggs for protein but if I am burned out on eggs I will do a banana with Almond Butter. Two recent breakfast favorites:
Sauteed Kale and Spinach + cherry tomatoes+ feta + 1 hard boiled egg + Morning Star Veggie Patty
Tabbouleh + 1 scoop of hummus + 1 hard boiled egg + bacon
8:30-9:30 workout. 2 days a week I do an hour barre class and this week I just started the BBG program which I do at home the other days.
Twist Front Top + Tank + Leggings + Shoes
If I workout from home I get a quick shower and change clothes before I take Frances to school. A typical outfit is usually a tee shirt and jeans:)
Tee Shirt + Jeans + Necklace + Ring
9:30-12;30 After the gym I always hit up starbucks. There is a drive through Starbucks right beside my gym, which is bad news. I usually get a green tea latte or green tea- both unsweetened. Then I drop Frances off at school at 9:45. During the next 3 hours I usually run errands. I hit up the grocery store most days, I try and do it while I am kid free. I am not the best about meal planning. I usually just decide that day what I want to cook for dinner. This week other errands included an oil change, picking up a few items for my BBG program, taking a load of stuff to Goodwill etc. I also schedule all my blog related meetings and doctors appointments during this time period. During this time I am often checking emails and working while on the go.
After my errands I usually come home and fix lunch. I usually eat lunch out one day a week but the other days I try and eat at home. Two recent lunches on repeat lately.
Lettuce + cheddar cheese + hummus + turkey + whole grain mustard | Trader Joe’s Cauliflower Quinoa and Brussels Kale
Kale Greek Salad with Farro + Hummus
12:45- 2:30
I have a little less than 2 hours in between when I pick up Frances from school and Sterling. At Frances Moon’s school there is a playground we usually stop at after school and play for a bit.
I try to spend a little one on one time with Frances during this time. We like to get frozen yogurt and ice cream and sometimes hit up the library.
aka the longest part of the day – haha. I pick Sterling up from school at 2:30. He often brings a friend home with him or plays with the neighborhood kids. I try to get the kids to do activities outside. We live less than a mile from this beach and walk there often.
Around 4:30 I will start prepping dinner. Sometimes the kids are playing and sometimes I let them turn on the TV and chill so I can cook. A sample dinner from last week. I always cook the same thing for me and the kids sometimes I just serve theirs in a different way. I had Salmon + salad.
I served the kids : roasted salmon + squash casserole + roasted broccolini + peaches.
6-7 Homework + Bath. Did I mention I hate homework?? Sterling has so much homework and it is like pulling teeth to get him to sit down and do it all.
If Sterling gets his homework done we all sit down and watch a show. The kids have really been into Fuller House lately. I love this time because they both argue about who gets to sit in my lap and snuggle with me. I will so sad when these snuggle days are over.
7-8 I read a book to Frances and then listen to Sterling read to me. We brush teeth, say prayers and lights out. Then for the next 30 minutes to an hour someone asks me for something: they want water, need to pee, or has an important question that needs to be answered now or someone is scared. Bedtime is never ending!
This is when I sit down and chill and work on my blog. I usually have a glass of wine. I have also been into Netflix. I just finished Game of Thrones which I loved and now I am watching The Walking Dead. This Malbec from Total wine was a recent favorite. Before bed I always wash my face and then write a to-do list for the next day. Then I lay in bed and think about everything I did wrong as a parent that day-haha.
Suggestion? As a mom of a 10 year old boy with ADD and a whole lot of homework (he’s in the gifted program at school aka double the homework!), I find getting him to sit right down and do it as soon as he gets off the bus a whole lot easier than trying to get him to sit down to do it after he’s been playing for a few hours. We have a lot less tears and struggle if he just gets it done right away. Might be worth a try!
I love the variety of foods your kids will eat! So awesome. Thanks for the peek into a day in your life!
I have a second grade son as well, and the homework struggle is REAL. Its hard because they’ve been cooped up all day and the last thing you want to do is argue with them over sitting down and doing homework. And you feel like you’re on the clock because you also want them to have time for free play, practice their sports, eat, bathe, and somehow get to sleep at a reasonable time. I feel your pain 🙂
Love the glimpse into your day!
Boy can I relate to that last sentence! Haha!
Great post and a great day 🙂 Thank you for the post!!!!
I 2nd Jenn. Doing homework as soon as school is out is so much better. If we wait until after dinner it is hell to pay! Might as well just throw in the towel. Try it for a few days and let us know if that helps. We seem to get finished way faster this way 🙂
Ugh. Sterling should have no or almost no homework. It’s too bad his school hasn’t caught up with the research.
Studies show that homework doesn’t show any clear academic benefits for children under the age of about 15. Giving 2nd grade students homework is a waste of time (which they could be using doing something important/fun), and probably actually destructive, as it makes them like school and studying less.
Also, at home the parents often end up having to coax or coerce the kids into finishing their homework, which makes home life needlessly much more stressful and unpleasant.
I love seeing people’s day in the life posts–they’re so interesting to me! Question–does your gym have daycare for Frances? Or what does she do when you work out, especially at home? I’d also love more information about your new workout program as you’re getting more and more into it. How expensive is it? What equipment do you need? That’s where I struggle with when to workout–what do you do with the kids?! Ha! Also, when you do have events out, especially at night, how do you manage to work on your blog? When Frances is in school? You do a great job of balancing it all! I also agree with other people’s comments about doing HW RIGHT when Sterling gets home while he’s having a snack. I know it would seem nice to give him a break, but doing it before bed–he’s probably exhausted. That would be a great time to wind down with books or a show… just my unsolicited $.02! Oh, and I’m also super impressed you wait so long to have coffee– ha ha ha. That’s the first thing I do, and I need to change that habit and do warm lemon water first. I know coffee first thing has gotta be so bad on my insides. #kids
Great post! I really enjoyed reading day in the life posts. Could you please post or email me the recipe for the salad that you served with your salmon at dinner? I am trying to incorporate more salads into my diet, but I’m looking for healthy recipes. That salad looks delicious and the dressing looks very light.
What about a cleaning schedule or laundry schedule ? Anything amazing to share ? And how do you handle after school activities ?
I agree on the homework right after school. I have a 1st grader (and 3 yr old) & have come to embrace it. Its really the only glimpse I get into what they are learning in school and how she can handle the work. I hear about recess, girl “drama” (ha!), etc, but this way I get to see what she’s learning. Then, the quicker she gets done, the more time to play (and glass of wine for me). PS – LOVE your recipes! I use several on repeat!!!
I’m not a big homework fan (and I’m a third grade teacher– so much research to support low/no homework!), but I would also suggest setting a timer. My son hates spelling practice and it was a tear induced battle until I started setting an timer. If we can get through practice without tears and before the timer goes off he earns a sticker toward weekend screen time.
Whew! I’m tired just reading about your day! I love that you’ve got a great routine down that really focuses on being healthy both mentally and physically. I’m so sorry about homework – that’s definitely not something I’m looking forward to! Thank you for sharing!
Sounds like on most (even if not all) days your kids play outside, have a healthy meal, snuggle with their mom and get a bedtime story – no more lying awake thinking about what you did wrong at night, sounds like you’re doing an incredible job xx
Your day sounds busy, but interesting and fun with your two sweet kids. I’m wondering if you ever have any help beyond your parents? Do you have a babysitter come in to watch the kids sometime? Or when you take Sterling to school? Or are you happily on your own to tackle the day’s tasks?
The homework struggle is HARD! We have finally figured out a better balance – they get either 30 mins in the park or go home and play/relax for 30 mins then sit at dinner table with drink and snacks and do homework then they have the rest of afternoon/night for playing and/or other activities (soccer practice etc)
Thanks for sharing your day! Your last sentence is mom (or stepmom in my case) truth ❤️.
I’d also love to know about cleaning/laundry schedules. Also – I’m impressed with your jewelry storage. Would you post about that sometime?
Oh, I meant to ask about BBG – and what equipment you had to buy. I’m so intrigued by the program, but worry about where you start if your baseline fitness isn’t up to doing …say…a bunch of jump squats . Are there modifications? I would love to read a post about that when you’ve completed the 12 weeks (or whenever).
Hey! I am liking BBG I am on week 4. I will def do a post in a few weeks sharing my thoughts and progress. xo
(No need to post this!). I asked about jewelery storage in a previous post. I’m catching up on older Q&A posts and you mentioned you got the acrylic jewelry storage cases at TJMaxx, so that answers my question. Okay. I’ll stop stalking you now