Hi Friends! I’m Natalie Mason. I live in Charleston, SC and I am mom to Sterling 12 , Frances Moon 8 and our mini golden doodle Dolly.



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August Outfit Round-Up

Sep 12, 2016

Happy Monday!  I hope you all had a fabulous weekend!  Truth be told our weekend was pretty low key and I didn’t snap a lot of pictures!  I mainly worked around the house organizing the kid’s closets and cleaning out clothes.  They both are growing so fast!  My closet is next and I will probably do an instagram sale soon with some of my old clothes- you can follow me @shopsnoopnattycloset if you want to see what I list.

Also thank you to everyone on instagram who gave me advice about my ring finger rash.  I have had a rash/irritated skin on my ring finger for a few weeks now and it hurts so bad I can’t wear my wedding rings.  I got lots of good advice and I know many of you mentioned you had the same issue so I will report back what works for me.  Right now I am keeping my rings off to let the skin breath.  Then I plan to clean them in hydrogen peroxide and I have been use hydrocortisone on my finger a few times a day.  Hopefully it works!

Today I wanted to share an outfit round-up from last month! Many of these items are now on sale:)

Dress 40% off | Necklaces Purse | Sunglasses 40 % off

Dress/cover-up on sale | Necklace | Hat on sale

Dress  Wedges similar Shell NecklaceLayers Sunglasses | Bracelets

Embroidered Dress

Leopard Sweater 40% off + Sandals 70% off

Fringe Dress

Hat Tote Bathing Suit Sunglasses | Tkees

DVF Dress Sandals | Bracelets Similar | 

Peplum TeeNecklace | Jeans

Sunglasses | Cover-up Necklace Tote

Dress | Purse c/o | Necklaces | Sandals Sunglasses

 tassel + stripe cover-up

Dress 40% off + Necklace + Shoes

Dress Clutch | Shoes Sunglasses

White Blouse | Earrings | Jeans (on sale) 

Swing Dress

Shift Dress also HERE

Blouse also in a dress versionNecklace | Shorts | Purse | Sandals

Hat | Bag | Suit | Sarong | Sunglasses

Blouse | Jeans Sunglasses | Earrings | Tote Pumps

Black Dress Sandals Purse | Sunglasses

Dress  also here in Turquoise | Purse Sunglasses Sandals

Cross body (in  5 colors) Necklace

Burnout Tee 40% off | Necklace | Purse | Shorts

Tee Shirt 40% off |  Shorts on sale | Sandals on sale NecklacesTote | Ring

Crossbody | Sandals | Sunglasses Jeans | Bracelets

Dress (on sale) | Flip Flops Purse | Necklace

Cover-Up/Dress  also here on sale | Hat Sandals | Tote

Hat Dress 40% off | Sunglasses | Sandals

Leggings  (in black )| Yoga Mat S’well Bottle

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  1. Jenny B says:

    Ring finger sounds like contact dermatitis. Go to doctor or dermatologist, there is a prescription cream for that. It is probably something that will flare up every once in a while, so you want to make sure you get the cream

  2. Aislin says:

    I have the same exact thing and got a prescription cream from my derm. The rash goes away within a day or two when I use the cream. She said it can be exacerbated by anti-bacterial foam.

  3. C says:

    I had the same issue with the rash on my finger and ended up taking my rings to the jewelers to get "re-dipped"…along with the cortisone to clear up the initial rash, this was the only thing that helped me. It's been 3 years and I am just now needing to get them dipped again. Hope you get some relief soon 🙂

  4. Love your round ups! I'm a big fan of your blog and I know you love peplum tees- I posted a peplum tee roundup if you are interested!
