If you are anything like me I like to get a head start on Christmas shopping especially for the kids because they are my favorite to shop for! The joy and excitement that Christmas brings them makes me so happy. I get such a thrill out of trying to find the perfect gifts for them. Today I thought I would share a few toys we own and love that would be great gifts for your little ones.
I am a
huge fan of Melissa and Doug Products. I like that they are wooden and
not too flashy or loud. Some of the talking plastic toys drive me nuts.
I gave Sterling these for Christmas last year and we play with them all the time.
Even Frances Moon loves these! These blocks are so sturdy and will last for years. Now they come in all natural color which I really like.
Another favorite in our house is puzzles. Sterling still loves the big Melissa and Doug puzzles. Whenever he has friends over that is what they want to do (for like 10 minutes then they move on, must be a boy thing never entertained for long).
If you have kids between the ages of 1-2 these smaller puzzles that make sounds are great for teaching them animals. We own a few of them and love them.
also comes in a vehicle noise puzzle.
I am that Mom that loves books and loves giving books as gifts. I swear it has made my kids love books too and that makes me happy. Sterling loves story time at night, so much so in fact that is frequently his punishment if he acts up he loses story time.
A few of our current favorite books:
Where the Wild Things Are | Flora and the Flamingo | The Little Engine that Could |
Corduroy | Harold and the Purple Crayon| Good Night Moon | Runaway Bunny
and if you don’t own the book The Tickle Monster, it is a must! This is one of Sterling’s favorite books and we read it often! He loves being tickled with the blue gloves it comes with. This makes a wonderful gift.
Sterling is a child that loves to dress up. After having him I quickly learned it was so easy to find costumes for girls but difficult to find ones for boys. Thank goodness for Melissa and Doug. We have a bin in his room filled with costumes he can play with. I think it is a great way for them to use their imaginations. This pirate one is on heavy rotation always.
We also have the doctor costume. It is pretty adorable. and the great thing about these costumes is they can wear them for several years. This is Sterling when he was probably around 3 and almost 2 years later it still fits him and he loves it.
They also have these other different costumes. I am tempted to get Sterling the chef one because he loves cooking with me. He is always wanting to wear my aprons so I think it would be perfect and you can get their name monogrammed on the apron!
Fireman | Knight | Police Officer | Chef
I know this seems random but Sterling has a globe in his room that he loves. We look at it almost everyday. He is so curious about other countries and where places are. I think it is a great educational and fun toy. This globe is especially cool because it lights up.
Both of my kids love stuffed animals and I have to say Jellycats are some of our favorites.
We have this Giraffe and Hippo. They make great stocking stuffers or to sit out from Santa. You can view all the different animals here.
Giraffe (on sale) | Hippo
Sterling has been begging me for this game. We bought it as a gift for one of his friends and it is all he can talk about. This will be under the tree for him for sure!
If you are curious these are a few things I am getting the kids this year from Santa.
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Nordstrom has such a great toy and gift selection this year, they really stepped up their game. Nordstrom even compiled a section with all their best toys and gifts you can shop it here.
Any other recommendations of stuff your kids love?
this post was sponsored by Nordstrom all thoughts and opinions are my own always.
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Will Nordstrom's price match? A lot of the time, Amazon has better prices
Okay.. my niece turns 1 on the 23rd. Her parents say she needs nothing. I want to get her a keepsake of some sort and few little things. Any suggestions? Nothing too time consuming…
Great post! I am getting that Globe for my little girl.Thanks for the suggestions!
Thank you for this post! I have 4 tots under 8 to buy for and I am kidless and clueless!
We love Melissa & Doug toys too. Get the mailbox! My kids have played with it for 3 years already…
Great post! It's always helpful to see what kids will really play with and love. Your kids are just precious! Sterling reminds me of the little boy on Hope Floats that loved to dress up too and was always in character!! So cute.
I love Melissa and Doug toys! We have that tow truck and the boys are getting the blocks for Christmas this year! I love the dress up clothes ideas too. I am looking to either make or find some cute felt food for my 2 year old daughter for Christmas. My plan is to set up a mini play bakery.
I'm soo tempted to get the jellycat sloth!
Good picks! The puzzles and costumes are both huge hits for SS.
Greeting a 2 year old child a birthday gift can be quite a treat. For a parent, thinking of birthday gift ideas can be quite a challenge. The birthday gift should not only benefit the child’s appetite for play. Best Gifts 2 Years Old Boys