Today is a hodge podge of randomness get ready.
Please order the laser cut shirt from JCREW. Mine arrived and I love it. This is a great pregnancy top as well, super loose. Runs way on the large side so order down. I am wearing a size 2 and might could have fit in a 0. It is on sale with additional 25 % off right now, use code SHOPNOW. The navy is so great for Fall, but it also comes in a great coral color.
|| JCREW Laser Cut Blouse | Rag and Bone Jeans
You might have noticed my new phone case. Thanks to Pretty Smitten I am the proud owner of a personalized case with a Flamingo, my favorite!! If you have not checked out Pretty Smitten you must, her shop is awesome. Her phone cases are the best.
Is it true that Chris Martin and Jennifer Lawrence are seeing each other? I don’t really picture them together. She seems very different from Gwennie which I guess he wants. I don’t see her being into a man with two kids either she is so young. Still baffled. Discuss.
I am really digging Taylor Swift’s new song- Shake it Off. Go ahead and laugh at me but that song is good. Added it to my running playlist.
We grew up eating tuna melts fairly often. I have just gotten back into making them. They are the easiest dinner ever.
To make the tuna: 2 cans solid white tuna, 2 hard boiled eggs, 1/2 white onion diced, mayo, and sweet relish. Mix all together and season well with salt and pepper. Spread on bread and top with 1000 Island dressing and American Cheese. Bake at 350 about 10 minutes and enjoy!
I am really into navy for Fall. My Gigi New York Navy clutch arrived and I can’t wait to carry it.
It goes perfectly with my laser cut blouse.
Laser Cut Blouse | Navy Pebble Clutch | Tassel Key Chain | Spike Bracelet
The bracelet above is on sale at JCrew with additional off as well. I love the spikes. It has a matching necklace I am thinking about, it would be a great statement necklace for Fall. Use code SHOPNOW to get 25% off.
Spike Bracelet | Spike Necklace
Frances Moon has turned into a belly sleeper. It is rare for me to catch her on her back but I did twice this week. This picture melts my heart.
and can we talk about both of them?? I just want to freeze time. Summer is almost over and this is Sterling’s last year before kindergarten, sniff, sniff.
As you know as of lately I have been tired of our house. It is small and we are busting out the seams. It is a great house but with two kids and a dog I long for more space. I know we will not be here forever and will move soon but in the meantime while we save it seems like I am just over every room in our house. Then I read this article and it really put things in perspective. Beautifully written and so damn true. Please read THIS ARTICLE.
Have a great Thursday.
I'm not as obsessed with Taylor's new song as I am her new video. I could watch it on repeat. Hilarious! And I love how Frances Moon sleeps. She's such a little ham. I can't get enough!
What a wonderful space. The attention to detail is just glorious.
Relaxing Apartment
This was a fun post….Frances Moon is precious!!!….but the article at the end was IT!! I am so glad I took a moment to read it and I want to thank you for the link. I needed to hear that ….especially today!
i love your gigi clutch! so cute. annnd omg i was so surprised about Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Martin…but if the rumors are true I kinda like the couple. xo jillian – cornflake dreams
I am a vegetarian that occassionally eats fish so the recipe is a perfect addition. It's nice when I only have to cook one meal. We have been "bored" with our house as well and really want to build. This article was a great read and really we are thankful for all we have. Love your blouse, curious how tall you are. I am 5'10 or a bit taller and small blouses always fall just a tad short on me, curious how this blouse is for length.
love the laser top, it looks great on you! I'm loving Shake it Off too but I had no idea Jennifer Lawrence and Christ Martin were dating. That just seems weird to me!
Wow, the article…I'm bookmarking it for when I need a little reminder 😉 Thanks Natalie.
Also–the photo of Frances Moon sleeping? I can't. She is beyond adorable.
Excellent article. I never think to do tuna melts, but I am going to now! Those kiddos are so stinking cute.
Great post! Love the black shirt!
Great post! Love the black shirt!
Love your random posts! Taylor's new song is now on repeat 🙂 Your kids are adorable – enjoy the last few days of summer!
I love a good random purse. Ok that T Swift song IS good and I usually can't stand her. Love the new phone case!
I know it is de rigeur for bloggers to post articles like this, and it is unbelievable to me. Your blog is all about promoting consumerism and having the next best thing. In the same post you encourage 4 new items…one of which you already have many. It's not just how you are living your life, but that you are encouraging others to do the same.
Love that blouse on you! I may order it in orange to wear to a Clemson football game this fall. And you're making me want a tuna melt. My family used to always eat them when I was younger, too, so they're big time comfort food for me. Love that picture of Frances… wish I could freeze time for you! They are both precious.
Love that shirt!! Love that Taylor Swift video and song too. I'm not sure about Chris and JLaw but maybe he wanted someone less uptight? I love Gwennie too but I bet JLaw is a hoot. Finally thank you for posting that blog article. Wow – I hate my kitchen and it needs new floors, cabinets, appliances and paint, but we are so blessed.
What a great article-thanks so much for sharing 🙂 It is something I need to read more often than not!!!
Also, I love your random posts!!! 🙂
Made my husband watch T Swift's video last night with me, it's my new favorite! Love the J Crew top, I saw they have one in leather too(although the price on this one is much better).
Emily from F is for
Omg I totally love T Swifts new song!
Taylor's new song is definitely great for working out and the video was cute. Frances is so sweet…I can't wait until Farrah is able to sit up. My Breckin is going to Kindergarten next year too! Time flies!
California To Carolina
The Gym Bunny
i LOVE that top so much i got it both in navy and orange~!!!
Just read that article…oh my goodness! Felt like a slap in the face, but a good one. Such a reminder of what to focus on in life!
That article hit the spot, it is all so true, thank you for sharing that. The boyfriend loves tuna melts, his mother used to make them, I'm gonna try this one out on him!
I hate to say it too, but I really like her new song!!! and the relationship with chris martin makes NO SENSE AT ALL. will never last – such a poor rebound decision on her part 🙂