Happy Monday. How was everyone’s weekend? Friday night Matt took Sterling to the Monster Truck show with a few other dads and Sterling’s friends. It went pretty well til Matt said a fire breathing mechanical dragon came out and Sterling freaked out and started crying. Maybe a touch too young for the Monster Truck show this year:)
Meanwhile Frances and I had a nice ladies night in. We watched a Lifetime movie that was actually really good and enjoyed a cheese plate for dinner. Not gonna lie it was nice to have the house to myself!
This weekend I tried out a new healthy breakfast. A quinoa yogurt bowl. Basically all I did was smash some blackberries in regular plain Greek Yogurt. Then I topped it with cooked quinoa, slivered almonds, sunflower seeds, fresh blackberries, mint and a drizzle of honey. It was really filling and delicious.
We made our Braised Beef Tacos (recipe here) for our company Saturday night and they amazing again. I used the leftover beef the next day to make a Braised Beef Quinoa bowl.
My sister gave us the most awesome gift basket from Burts Bees Baby. It came with bibs, onesies, pjs, a blanket, and a hat. I have to say I am obsessed with everything in it. The onesies and pjs are my favorite, they are so soft and I love the pattern. This would make such a great shower gift for someone.
This is Frances in the onesie and the pjs You can order a three pack of the onesies Here. I am definitely ordering more they are my favorite!
I love Monday nights now that the Bachelor has started back up, it is my guilty pleasure. I have to admit I was not thrilled when they picked Juan Pablo as the new bachelor but he grew on me a little last week. But lets be real I watch it more for the crazy ladies than him. I heard this season had the highest rating yet, so I guess Juan has some fans.
I ran out of eyeliner and was at Target the other day and decided to buy a cheap kind just to tide me over til I could buy my more expensive kind. I picked out this Sonia Kashuk twist up eyeliner and actually I really like it. Worth the money for $7. Not sold online so look for it for in your store. Has anyone else every used any Sonia Kashuk beauty products? I am tempted to try her eyeshadows.
This weekend Sterling said to me ” I wish God would make Rufus real.” I love his sweet soul. Rufus goes everywhere with us and gets an outfit change each morning from Frances’s closet. Rufus is one well dressed monster.
Have a great start to your week!
I use that Sonia Kashuk eye liner too and was surprised with how great it is. Can't beat the price. Sterling reminds me of the little boy in Where The Wild Things are. How the monsters come to life in his imaginary world. So sweet.
Todd told me about them freaking out at the end, but other than that I think they had fun!! I am dying to try that braised beef, and how cute are those pjs on Frances?
Frances is a beauty! I LOVE those moments just me and the baby when my hubs takes our oldest out for awhile…we usually watch bravo or foodnetwork. Although lately Bravo has been terrrible. That last quote is soooo true. Have a great day!
I just can't watch Juan Pablo. I'm boycotting this season. Bleh. Rufus is seriously the coolest stuffed animal ever. I love that S dresses him. I'm impressed that you allow him access to F's clothes!
rufus is so stinking cute! xo jillian – cornflake dreams
OMG Frances is so adorable, and so is Sterling! I am not watching Bachelor this season… I'm kinda sad now, but I guess I could always watch it online to catch up!
You have the cutest and sweetest kids!! Sterling reminds me of my oldest. I'll never forget the first time a little girl at a play date told him he couldn't dress up like a princess. It broke his heart and mine. I love a boy with a sweet soul.
Love Sonia Kashuk makeup brushes! She has two levels of brushes. The more expensive tier is what I buy…half the price of high end brands and they work just as good. Try them!
I wasn't a huge fan of Juan Pablo either but I am now hooked as well. It only takes that first episode. Luckily my husband got hooked too so I have someone to watch and laugh about the crazy girls with….so fun! It makes Mondays just a little bit better!
Frances is getting so big! What a doll face! 🙂
I always look at her section when I am at Target but haven't taken the plunge. Maybe next time I'll grab that eyeliner. That recipe looks delicious!
Sounds like a perfect weekend – I can't get over the cuteness that is Sterling and Frances!! Your recipes always look so delish!
What a sweet weekend!!! Love the two of them, just so precious!
I heart Sterling and Frances. Just post about nothing but them forever. I love it all!
i haven't tried your braised beef taco recipe yet…thinking i will this week! looks and sounds amazing!
…may have to pick up the sonia kashuk eye liner. i've been using her hidden agenda concealer palette since the summer and am in love! i have stubborn dark circles and have found her concealer the best drugstore find for me. it covers wonderfully. i've tested it against Bobbbi Brown concealer (another favorite), and it works just as well. you children are beautiful…love, love your blog…happy Monday!
I love your socks in the picture with Frances. What are these!?
Love that Sterling has a buddy Rufus and that he dresses him up! Too cute for words. And Frances is just as precious as usual!
Sterling does have such a sweet soul. I love the Bachelor too for the same reasons. Frances is such a beautiful baby. Love the last quote. Very true.
Frances is such a cutie! I use the Sonya Kashuk eyelid primer and it's awesome! I will have to try the eyeliner next time I'm in Target. Thanks for the tip!
Your quinoa bowl looks amazing, I'm going to try that this week! And Frances is just so darling! Love the quote, so so true!
Frances is getting so big….where does the time go? Beautiful just like her momma.
i like the sonia kashnuk brushes too!! definitely comparable to my expensive ones!
Your children are so precious! Congratulations on your growing family.
I love The Bachelor, and have been watching since college. I am liking this season so far because I love how JP says his y's. Hilarious! My friends and I have also come up with nicknames for the girls. "Lawyergirl" = Andi. "Sarasota" = Renee "Coachella" = Lucy "Operagirl" = I can't remember her name, but doesn't she look like Olivia Munn!
Can't get over how stinkin' cute your babes are (Rufus included, ha)!