I thought It would be fun to share my morning routine. I am always inspired by seeing others routines and how they incorporate wellness, health and fitness, etc into their daily lives.
6:10 | alarm goes off. I allow myself to snooze one time if needed. But I am always out of bed by 6:20. As soon as I get out of bed I go wake the kids up for school but 9 times out of 10 they are up before me. The night before I make them lay out their outfits for that day so there is no discussion about it that morning. They get changed while I change into my workout clothes.
6:30-7 | I feed the kid’s a quick breakfast, usually they are not super hungry so it is something easy like a banana, yogurt, or a cereal bar. Meanwhile I make my hot water with lemon. I drink this first thing every morning. I think it is a good start for your body for the day. It helps promote hydration in the morning, helps your skin, is a good source vitamin C and helps with digestion.
I also fill up the kid’s water bottles and make sure book bags are ready. This year I decided to make them eat a school lunch everyday and it saves so much hassle and time not thinking of what to pack for their lunches. 6:55 we walk out the door to head to school.
7:00 | drop the kids at school. They like me to park and walk them up to school, which I do because I know one day they will not want me to anymore!

7:30-8:30 | I workout with my trainer 3 days a week and the other 2 days I try and do one of her cardio classes that she teaches. I do a warm up on the bike and then we typically do a whole body day, a legs day and an arm day with a little cardio mixed in. I love having this appointment. It holds me accountable for exercising and it is an appointment on my calendar that I won’t skip.
8:30-9:30 |I get back home from the gym, and make a cup of coffee typically black unless I splurge for a honey latte. This is when I typically have coffee, a wheatgrass or lemon ginger shot, my liquid collagen, and green juice if I have made a batch. During this time I also work on my to-do list for the day and emails. I typically listen to a podcast during this time. I love to listen to inspiring podcasts to motivate me.
I have been trying to get back into drinking green juice, it just makes me feel better but I don’t have it everyday. I typically juice kale, spinach, apples, ginger, celery, cucumber, mint and jalapeño if I have it on hand.

I have been taking the Modere collagen for a few months now and really like it. I feel like it has helped not only my hair and nails but skin as well. I do 2 tablespoons a day. If you want to try the Modern Collagen you can use code 3689982- they have lots of other products I have heard are great but the collagen is all I have tried. I actually prefer this liquid version to the powder it is much easier and actually tastes good.

I thrive on staying organized so I typically have 2 to-do lists going in addition to a monthly calendar as well.
Weekly Notepad | Rainbow Notepad | AirPods Case

9:30-10:30 | Shower. I don’t have a big skin care routine in the morning but I typically exfoliate my face while I shower. Currently I am loving this Colleen Rothschild Micro mineral scrub.
10:30-12 | I work on my blog and usually prep lunch as well. I love creating healthy lunches, that is my happy place. I also take take my 8 greens vitamins, Equilibria CBD capsules, and Daily Ritual vitamins. I have other supplements I take later in the day as well but I love to start my day with those three. The Equilibria Capsules help mellow me out, the 8 Greens give me so many greens, and Ritual has been my multivitamin of choice for over a year now (favorite one I have tried)
Ritual Vitamins | Equilibria CBD Pills (you can use code NATALIEMASON to save 15% off your first order | 8 Greens Gummies

I will try and do a part two with the second part of my day if this is something you all enjoyed reading!
Thank you! This is helpful and, as you said, fun to know what others do for their routine. Do you ever take apple cider vinegar? And….I love your blog!!! You are so insightful, humble, real, and have fantastic and colorful recipes!
I love these posts!! Would love a second one!! Which motivating podcasts do you listen to? I need some new ones. Thanks in advance 🙂
Love reading it! I am always looking to be better organized- I work at night so it’s hard for me tk get into that routine- I’m trying as I have 2 kids- etc:). Hoping to work a day job soon- I’m a nurse! One thing I struggle with is “getting “ dressed more presentable- I can look like a million dollars when I go out or have an event- but it’s the day to day….
Always love reading these! And I am inspired once again by your clean routine!