Hi Friends! I’m Natalie Mason. I live in Charleston, SC and I am mom to Sterling 12 , Frances Moon 8 and our mini golden doodle Dolly.



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Baby Essentials:The Second Time Around

Sep 12, 2013

The great thing about having baby number two is this isn’t your first rodeo. You have been there done that and have an idea of what products work and are necessary for the baby what products are a waste of money.  They tell you so many things you need for the baby and most of it you really don’t need.

In the last 3.5 years since I had Sterling there are so many new and great baby products out there. Thanks to my sister and friends who have had babies recently they have shared new products they loved with me.  I decided to compile a little list of products I love and used all the time with Sterling plus a few new additions that I will be purchasing for baby number two.

The first set are items I did not own with Sterling but came highly recommended, a few I have already purchased for Baby Girl.

Baby Essentials Round 1

MAMA ROO BOUNCER SEAT-  My sister and my good friend Katie both have this Baby swing and let me assure you it is the best one out there.  It is sleek and compact which I really like.  Our swing with Sterling was huge and such an eyesore.  This seat mimics the moves parents use to calm their children.  It has five different movement settings and it plays soothing noises.   It is lightweight and easy to carry room to room too.  My sister is letting me borrow hers and I am excited to have a better swing this go around.

BLOOM BABY HIGH CHAIR– I hated my hair chair I used with Sterling.  The tray always slanted and it was hard to get him in and out of it.  I am hoping to get this high chair for baby girl.  It folds up super easy plus I love the modern look of it. 

GRACO TREKKO3 STROLLER– I had all intentions to buy a BOB stroller this time around until my mom bought this stroller and I tested it out with Sterling.  I fell in love with it.  It was so easy to open and close and such a smooth ride.   Plus our car seat easily snaps in while the baby is a newborn.  It is half the price of the BOB and I swear it looks just like it and works just as well.  Lucky for me my mom gave me hers and I have been using it with Sterling all the time!  I used to feel the need to spend alot of money on a stroller but no longer feel that way after test driving this Graco.  I had a Bugaboo with Sterling and swear I like stroller just as much if not more.

DIAPER DEKOR TRASHCAN– I used the Diaper Genie with Sterling and let me tell you it sucks ass.  It always smelled and was not very easy to get the bags in and out.  This will most def be our trashcan this time around.

PUJ BABY BATH–  I have heard nothing but great things about this baby bath.  With Sterling we used the great big blue plastic bath tub and I hated it.  It was impossible to bath the baby by yourself because he kept slipping down.  The Puj is made out of non-slip materials and sits right in your sink which I really like.   It is smaller so it is easier to store as well.

ERGOBABY CARRIER– We borrowed my friends Baby Bijorn to use with Sterling and it worked fine but we gave it back so we need a new carrier this time around.  Everyone I have spoken to raves about the Ergo Carrier.  Apparently it is easier to use than the Bijorn.

Next up are the products I used and swear by with Sterling.  They will all be getting dusted off and pulled out of the attic very soon.

Baby Essentials Round 2

BEABA BABYCOOK–  I was given this as a gift with Sterling and I really love it.  Now don’t get me wrong I bought plenty of jarred baby food, I did not exclusively make my own.  But the Beaba is so easy to use.  It was easy to steam veggies or puree fruits and store them in my freezer til we were ready to use.   You can make homemade and use it when you feel like it and sub in jarred food too.

ZOLI SNACK STACKER– This thing is awesome.  If you don’t breastfeed it is great to store formula in or just finger food snacks like cheerios and puffs.  I always had mine in my purse!

OXO PERFECT PULL WIPE DISPENSER–  Works so well for refilling wipes and they are easy to get out this container.  Plus looks cute sitting on your changing table. 

BOON GRASS DRYING RACK–  Hands down the best drying rack out there.  I loved mine so much I bought two.  Works great for wine glasses too:)

MUSTELA LOTION– I am a huge fan of the Mustela baby line.  Their products smell amazing and are safe for baby.  I still use this lotion for Sterling.  I alos love their Baby Shampoo and Wet Wipes.

AIDEN AND ANAIS BURPY BIBS–  These are great because they serve two purposes,  a burp cloth and then they also wrap around and snap to form a bib when baby is older.  I had these exact same ones I used with Sterling.  They are so soft and wash up well.

AIDEN AND ANAIS BIBS–  I really love all Aiden and Anais products.  These bibs are a bit smaller than the burp cloth version and come in such great patterns.

SKIP HOP ACTIVITY MAT–  Skip Hop makes the cutest kids products, I am a big fan of this mat.  Activity mats are so great to lay your babies on when you need to get something done.  Great for tummy time too.

SOFIE THE GIRAFFEE–  I am sure most of you have heard of the infamous Sophie.  She really is a gloried dog toy but kids love her.  She is the perfect size for them to hold, easy to clean, and great for teething.   We had two of these for Sterling, no joke, because we were terrified we would lose one and it would calm him down and occupy him wherever we went!

 Any other new and fab things I need to add to my list?  I always love Mommy advice!

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  1. Jill says:

    Mustela is the best, my girls still use the shampoo and now Target carries it!!

  2. Great list! My favorites for Ivey were (and still are at age 3, I'm embarrassed to say) the Summer Infant video monitor and bumbo chair and tray. I can't wait to see that baby girl! I'm going to snuggle her so much!

  3. seaton says:

    I have an almost 4 year old boy (on the 17th) and a 6 month old girl so we are living parallel lives – just a few months apart! We swore by the Miracle Blanket for swaddling. It is the BEST! We used it for both kids and with the second ended up buying two more so we always had two at home and one at my parent's house. Love Boon grass – and you're right, it's great for wine glasses too!

  4. Katie Kelley says:

    I disagree on the high chair. That thing will get dirty and nasty in no time. Who wants to wash it daily. We have the ikea antalop and for. $25 you wipe it, hose the whole thing off, and can by 4 to have a grandparents houses and beach house for the cost of 1. It's the greatest. Also the only bibs a baby needs are Bjorn. Just one per kid and you're set!

  5. Halo Swaddle Sacks and Moms on Call. If my house was on fire one of the first things I would grab are Kitty's swaddle sacks. And her sound machine.

    Moms on Call worked great for us. My daughter was sleeping through the night by 9 weeks!

  6. Dina says:

    For my round #2, I love the Babybjorn plastic/rubber bibs-just wash them off and put in dishwasher every couple of days. And instead of mumums, I like the Plum organics little yums. I also bought the inline double city mini baby jogger bc there are times when I need them both "strapped in"! And a must with both of my littles has been the Joovy play yard! Especially now when I need to separate the 2 🙂

  7. Keely says:

    Love your suggestions here! I would recommend (I have a 3 year old and a two month old) getting a double stroller. I hink the most practcal is the City Mini double by Baby Jogger. I feel stuck at home because my oldest daughter is just a handful to shop with now that her baby sister is here. Also you screwed if your oldest falls asleep in the car and your planning on them walking around with you…not happenin' been there done that!!! Im still trying to talk my husband into one or find one on Craigslist. Baby products I lurve are…Mustella, BornFree glass bottles, Trumpette socks, Joovy play yard, Fisher Price Rock n Play, Carters clothes. Good luck girl!!!!

  8. TDW says:

    Totally agree with the Ergo baby and seaton re: the Miracle Blanket. Nothing swaddles better than that! But I'd also suggest another high chair — I have the Boon Flair Pedestal high chair. It doesn't fold up compact like that one, so if your kitchen is not spacious, it may be a pain. But there's almost nothing to clean – wipes down in a cinch. It moves around super easy — it's my favorite baby product period 🙂

  9. Jill says:

    I have to tell you, I used my Puj exactly 3 times. Conceptually it is great but it only works in a two basin sink (one basin is too big)and the magnets are just not strong enough. My baby was 8 lbs 5 oz when he was born and the whole thing would break apart regularly when he was only three weeks old. Next baby I'm getting this: http://www.bloomingbath.com/

  10. I will definitely be bookmarking this for when we have a little one!! Such a great round up!!

  11. liz says:

    I loved the diaper dekor and the Ergo Carrier. They also make an infant insert that you need for when they are really little.

    I did not use a baby bath. We had Moms on Call come to our house and she taught us to bathe the baby in the bathtub by just putting your arm behind their back and holding their head in your hand and using the other hand to clean them. It really was simple! Plus, no need to find a place to store a little tub.

  12. Love all of these! A&a blankets are a must too! Also check out the k'tan carrier!! It's my favorite baby carrier!

  13. You're making me wish I was having another baby! 🙂

  14. Sara says:

    I have that playmat! I love it!!
    Love all of the stuff you picked out!
    Life with Baby Sophia

  15. Morgan S. says:

    Just found out I'm preggers with #3 and I've been going through our old stuff, but I've sold many things since having my 2nd baby 3 years ago…definitely enjoying all the new things on the market now. It's a wonder how we survived without some of it. 😉

  16. We liked the Bjorn better for when Ethan was an infant and now love the Ergo for 12+ months. Also, did you see that A+A came out with a preset swaddle? SO getting that next time around! http://www.adenandanais.com/shop/classiceasyswaddles.aspx

  17. SydneysHome says:

    I second the Bloom. I used it for my daughter's baths until she was 6 months old when we transitioned her to the big bath. I washed it every other bath, and it was good to go. Also, the basic Fisher Price space saver high chairs are too versatile to spend the money on something else. I tried (researching my brains out on the "best high chair" and budgeting a fair amount) but ended up happily spending the $30 for the all-plastic space saver. You could even buy a fun chair to attach it to if you don't want to mess up your normal ones.

  18. Alicia xoxxo says:

    Great list. You are making me want another baby! I could not live without our sound machine, and our Summer video baby monitor. Both great purchases. I also loved the Aiden and Anais burpy bibs, I give them to all my preggo friends bc they are a 2in1.

  19. Ashley says:

    I love love love you for doing this post! I've got a couple of these things on my wish list already and will be adding a few more!

  20. I love love love my ergo! I used it until my boys were 2 1/2. It's much better for their back and yours too. I suggest a nosefrida. It sounds gross but it works better than anything I've seen! I skipped a high chair the second time around and did a fisher price seat that straps to a chair. That way our little guy was always sitting with us at the table.

  21. Katie Kanda says:

    I would look into the ubbi diaper pail. I had the diaper dekor and it smelled! The ubbi is amazing and it comes in many colors! I also did not like the puj the faucet always got in the way!

  22. Candice says:

    Great roundup! The only thing I would add is the Summer Infant video monitor…love it!

    This is rather random, but if you have not yet purchased your Ergobaby, I will happily sell you mine. it's in excellent used condition (bought new for my 19th month old, who was in the 99% percentile, so quickly became to heavy for me to carry).

    You can email me if you're interested – it's this one. http://www.amazon.com/ERGObaby-Petunia-Carrier-Evening-Innsbruck/dp/B0058JWT70

    I planned to sell it to a lady at our church, but she wanted the infant insert, which I didn't have (and never needed, fyi, just rolled an A&A swaddle blanket and placed it beneath him).

  23. Kristin says:

    The silicone bibs by "make my day" are amazing! Couldn't live without ours. Ever since we have discovered it, its the only one we ever use. Its rinses right off under the sink and you never have to wash and dry multiple bibs. Plus they are SOO cute!http://www.amazon.com/make-day-Silicone-Baby-Blue/dp/B00648KZB6

  24. Lucy says:

    Great list! I have to recommend the boon flair high chair over the bloom. It is all one piece, has a sleek modern look and can be cleaned so easily! It's also on wheels (with a brake) so it's easy to move around the kitchen. Other must haves are the summer infant video monitor, baby bjorn thick rubber bibs, and the fisher price vibrating seat. My daughter loved it. It plays music and vibrates and is more easy to move to the bathroom, kitchen, etc. plus when my daughter was a little older, she could hold her own bottle in it!

  25. Lucy says:

    Obviously, I meant easier, not 'more easy'…

  26. Love your blog! I've been reading it for a few months but this is my first time to comment! Love your style be the way!
    I loved all your suggestions. I'm actually going to look into the graco stroller you suggested! Thanks!

  27. Alexa says:

    Love the Mustela, we use that. And the Ergo is essential. It's nice because if you buy the infant insert you can be hands free while you chase after Sterling in those early weeks/months. 😉

  28. elisabeth says:

    I have to agree with Jill. I loved the look of the Puj, especially the fact that it would hang flat behind the door when not in use, but it never worked for us. I think our sink might have been too shallow. I used it a few times and then gave it away. Maybe Sugar Snap Pea will let you take one home to try …

  29. elisabeth says:

    I have to agree with Jill. I loved the look of the Puj, especially the fact that it would hang flat behind the door when not in use, but it never worked for us. I think our sink might have been too shallow. I used it a few times and then gave it away. Maybe Sugar Snap Pea will let you take one home to try …

  30. My son never got into the whole "Sophie Giraffe" craze. Instead he loved a plush little tag toy by JuteBaby. It rattles and is washable and it went EVERYWHERE with us! Everyone needs one.

  31. Aaryn Rubin says:

    I had #3 4 weeks ago-and even then you still have purchases to make! I bought the Mamaroo off of Craigslist or $80. I was hesitant to make such a large purchase just to see if she liked it. Like it? She LOVES it!!! So happy! I also bought an Ergo-I've never been a fan of baby wearing-I'm just too much on the go, and rushed to enjoy it, but with 3 little ones, and only 2 hands, I know that when I'm alone with all 3 it will be a must!

    I love anything Mustela, but am especially obsessed with their no-soap cleanser-perfect for a quick wipe down which leaves them smelling amazing!

    I will be doing a similar post soon at http://www.myroseamongthorns.blogspot.com

  32. MCC says:

    Please please please do NOT buy the Bloom Nano. While it looks gorgeous and cleans up nicely, every, and I mean every person who has ever come to our house had tripped on the legs. Major design flaw. I've broken toes three times!

  33. Amber says:

    Instead of a double stroller, we used a "boogie board" on the back of our single. When my oldest was at school it can come off. When they are with you it can be put back on and they ride it kind of like a skate board. It's the best option for when they're a little older but still too little to walk everywhere.

  34. Nat says:

    I have the Bloom highchair- I don't care how expensive it is it's the least offensive highchair out there! Some of the designs on other ones are awful. I have Bjorn but everyone keeps telling me to get the Ergo

  35. Love your picks! Did you already buy the new high chair? I have a Boon Flair Pedastol in hot pink that I'm about to list on a blog sale if you want first dibs. So many good suggestions. Its crazy how much new stuff comes out each year. I feel like I just had babies and some of this is new from then!

  36. lgutu says:

    We have the Diaper Dekor and LOVE it! I especially like that you can use regular trash bags with it. If you are planning on breastfeeding, invest in some Milkies Milk Savers, especially for those first few weeks when your milk comes in. You put it on the opposite side you are feeding from and it catches any milk you leak. You save SO much milk! I got mine on Amazon. 🙂

  37. AJeter says:

    I have an 11 month old and we loved pretty much everything on your list! One suggestion would be to look at the Boon Flair highchair. It's got a modern look but is MUCH easier to clean (no cracks or crevices) and it's a little less expensive, I think. I swear I will bathe my babies in Mustela until they no longer let me bathe them! The scent is addictive and will be a permanent memory of their babyhood. Finally, the Woombie swaddle was heaven-scent for us. The snug fit ensured that no renagade arms came popping out in the middle of the night. They have cute designs too!

  38. Amanda Leigh says:

    Ooooh thanks for all your suggestions!! My husband and I are currently trying for our first, so all this will eventually be helpful! Dont be surprised if I come back asking questions!!

  39. B says:

    I would look into the blooming bath! Have heard great things about it.

  40. Andrea says:

    Excellent list! We just adopted our first baby and so many of the items on your list are definitely must-haves! Our son loves his Mamaroo, playmat and Baby Bjorn carrier. I also bought the grass drying pieces and love that they look better than the tall spinning ones on the counter! I'm sure you have tried the A&A swaddle blankets but we love those as well!

  41. travelkate says:

    So interesting to hear everyone's opinions. I see quite a few people didn't like the puj tub, but I loved it and was bummed when my daughter grew out of it! So nice to not have to bend down and fit well in her sink. Sorry to disappoint you but the diaper decor is also not so great as far as the stench… I am starting to think nothing works! Great list for me to keep in mind when I decide to hop on board with baby #2.

  42. I purchased the Puj when I was pregnant with my first son. I think I used it twice. It just did not work for either of my babies.
    I will gladly give it you! It's in perfect condition (and I live in charleston too!)