Frances Moon’s Outfit | Dress | Sneakers
Sterling’s Outfit | Polo (only $4!) | Camo Shorts | Sneakers
School started back for us last Wednesday, We are 4 days in and I don’t want to jinx myself but it is going great. Both kids love their teachers and seem so excited about going to school. It is hard to believe both my babies are in big school. I had a hard time with this since Frances Moon is my baby. Very bittersweet. I was sad and anxious leading up to the first day and then my first day alone it was like WOW I can get so much done and be a better mom. The Summer wore me thin with little time to myself. I am excited to work on my cookbook and some other projects that inspire me while the kids are at school.

Sterling insisted on this shot of his sneakers so you could see the GAME OVER writing.

I bribed the kids with Dipping Dots for our little photo shoot. They love them. Walmart has been bringing their A Game with super cute kid’s clothing lately. You can’t beat the prices! They also offer 2 day shipping on most items! I bought the kids lots of back to school outfits from Walmart. Both kid’s outfits are under $20! A few other things I snagged for the kids : Embroidered Heart Sweater, Leopard Skirt Set, Splatter Paint Tee, I also ordered this Rainbow Dress for myself.
You can shop the kid’s looks below. Thanks to Walmart for partnering on this post!

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