With the start of the New Year I wanted to share something very personal. 2016 was a year filled with many blessings but it has also been a difficult year. You never know the battles that people are dealing with and this is something I have been dealing with both privately and with my close friends and family. I have sat down to write this post several times but decided I ultimately wanted to get through the holidays with as much normalcy as possible. I also just wasn’t ready to share this publicly.
I know many of you have emailed me and left comments asking about Matt. The truth is we separated several months ago as I am sure many of you suspected. This is not something that we took lightly or that was a rash decision. We tried and fought for our marriage especially for the sake of the kids but at the end of the day neither of us were happy. Sometimes you can love someone but you just aren’t a good fit. Matt and I still remain close and dedicated to being the best parents possible for Sterling and Frances Moon. We want this transition to be as smooth as possible.
As many of you know a separation is so difficult. My heart goes out to any of you who have gone through such a difficult time. I trust God in all aspects of my life and trust in His plan for me during this new chapter.
I am happy for the New Year and a fresh start. I am also thankful for all the love and support you guys give me. Thank you for being there for me and your devotion for my blog and respect for my family during this difficult time.
I'm sorry to read this – I've walked the walk with friends, and it is painful and heartbreaking, but with time, the answers have seemed clearer and the wounds have healed. You're a great mom and you seem to have great friends and family around to help lift the fog. All my best to you and your family.
I can't imagine how difficult this must be for you and your family. I am saying a lot of prayers for y'all.
I'm so very sorry to hear this for you; sending best thoughts and vibes your way. So happy for you to have such wonderful relationships with your parents and siblings. To 2017 and good things!!
Deeply sorry to read your news. It's never an easy road to travel but in your heart you know what's best for you and your family. Sending you good thoughts and prayers during this rough patch. As Tess said, you seem to have a wonderful support system so that will definitely help get you through. Hang in there and thank goodness for your two blessings that will shower you with love, hugs and laughs.
I've been a faithful blog reader for several years and this saddens me BUT I know that marriage is challenging and with that being said I pray that GOD continues to help heal. Love your blog and your posts and thanks for sharing during difficult times.
Ah, I'm sorry to hear it. You are obviously very close to your family and have a strong circle of friends. Best of luck during this difficult time.
Ah, I'm so sorry to hear this. You are obviously very close to your family and have a strong circle of friends. Best of luck during this difficult time.
Natalie– I read your blog every morning, but this is my first time commenting– know that God has a plan for you, even if it's tricky to see now. Trust in that, find comfort in that, on difficult days and on easy days. You have opened your life up to others and I'm sure we will learn amazing things through you during your experience. You have a gift of sharing real life– Think of how many people have felt comforted and connected by what you share. So many folks are here for you and I hope you can feel that. You are warm, funny, caring, and an awesome mom. You do you, Natalie, and great things will continue to be ahead. Much love!
Wishing you and your family all the best! This must be such a difficult time. Know that people support you!
I'm so sorry. I'll be praying for you during this difficult time. Wishing you the very best.
So sorry to read this. My heart goes out to your family.
Ugh, so sorry. I have been there and it is not easy BUT the good news is that you can and will get through it. Keep close to your family and friends and loving your kiddos. AND TAKE A DEEP BREATH EVERY SINGLE DAY.
Wishing and praying the best for your whole family.
I'm sorry you have been going through this. Thank you for sharing… many times it feels like bloggers have it all together and reality is, they have struggles just like everyone else. Prayers for healing for the kids and you!
Like others, I'm so sorry to hear this. Going through my divorce was one of the hardest things I have ever done but know that you are strong and you will get through this and come out the other side. Love to you and your kids
Natalie: I am going through the same thing (one, 2yo daughter) and I want to tell you that I think you are a great mom and are doing a great job and I am trying to follow some of your cues in my own life. I think its great that you and Matt have been able to stay close and I'm working towards that in my own situation. Absolutely the best to you and the kids and Matt, too. Thanks for being such a great example of grace and happiness in the face of adversity.
This is my first time commenting & I am a long time follower. I just wanted to wish you the best during this time of transition. You seem to have a great supportive family, and two of the cutest kids in blog land. Thanks for keeping it "real" and sharing something so painful and personal on your blog.
Wishing you and your family the best. So sorry to hear this.
Natalie….I'm a longtime reader, love your blog. Prayers for you and your family. Thanks for opening up your life to us.
I am a daily reader and have never commented before, but today is different. I am so sorry you are having to go through the pain of separation. It is with faith and trust in God that you can find strength! I know you adore your children and are a wonderful mother. There are so many people rooting for you ad wishing you only the best! Thank you for being brave and sharing not only the good times in life but also the painful parts. We all have our battles and you are not alone! With the support of your friends and family I know they will bring you comfort. May God bless you and your family!
My prayers are with you during this difficult time. You are very brave to put it all out there, but that's the beginning of your healing journey.
I am so sorry to hear this, Natalie.
You seem to be such a dedicated mother who has a strong faith base; you will get through this and come out on the other side shining.
Praying for you and your sweet family!
Say it isn't so! I really liked y'all as a couple. Sorry for what you are going through, I saw some speculation on the GOMI blog a while back, but I didn't want to believe it. Marriage is very hard and sometimes things happen that make it impossible. Good look to y'all as you go through this process.
I'm a long time reader (my sisters and I love your blog!), but haven't ever commented before. This one got to me today – marriage is HARD, and keeping it real can be even harder. But I so appreciate that about you, and I think it's why I adore your blog as much as I do. It's helped me through some tough times of my own, and I think that's kind of priceless. So thank you for being your wonderful self, and for being so truthful. Sending good vibes and prayers your way!
Prayers for y'all!
Wow. Big share. Such honesty is refreshing in an online world where lives are curated to look perfect.
Thanks for keeping it real. I love when bloggers stray from affiliated links. (I miss the culture of blogs 10 years ago)
Great that you chose the harder route but one that will ultimately lead to happiness.
Now let's hope We get through the next four years. Feeling sad today.
It's the end of the world as we know it!
I wish you and your family the best.
Your blog has been a bright spot every morning, for years now!
I wish you and your family the best.
You've brightened my mornings for years now!
So sorry to read this. No one will ever doubt the love and fight you have for your family. Marriage is one of the hardest things any of us choose to do and no one can tell you until you go through it! Two of my best friends are going through rough times in their marriages right now and it is so difficult to watch and try to be there for them, but also knowing there is nothing I can do to fix it for them. Having a good support system is very important!
All the best to you all going forward.
I am so very sorry to hear this. I just had my one year anniversary and I can already tell marriage is hard work. A lot of compromise, a lot of communication and the list goes on. I know that you are a great mother to those kids and they are so lucky to have you. I have read your blog for a few years now and I feel like I relate to you so much. I am super close to my mom and my sister. I moved about three hours away when I got married and left everything I loved behind and a great career. It has been a challenge this year. I pray with God by your side he will get you through this difficult time. You have some of the best support around you. I also ended the year on a sad note. We found out we were pregnant with our first child and were the ultimate of highs and at our 10 week appointment there was no heartbeat. Having to go through this right around the holidays was devastating. Thank you for being so honest and real on your blog everyday. Your Instagram stories make me smile and laugh on days when it is hard to. Sending hugs your way!
I am so very sorry to hear this. I just had my one year anniversary and I can already tell marriage is hard work. A lot of compromise, a lot of communication and the list goes on. I know that you are a great mother to those kids and they are so lucky to have you. I have read your blog for a few years now and I feel like I relate to you so much. I am super close to my mom and my sister. I moved about three hours away when I got married and left everything I loved behind and a great career. It has been a challenge this year. I pray with God by your side he will get you through this difficult time. You have some of the best support around you. I also ended the year on a sad note. We found out we were pregnant with our first child and were the ultimate of highs and at our 10 week appointment there was no heartbeat. Having to go through this right around the holidays was devastating. Thank you for being so honest and real on your blog everyday. Your Instagram stories make me smile and laugh on days when it is hard to. Sending hugs your way!
I am so very sorry to hear this. I just had my one year anniversary and I can already tell marriage is hard work. A lot of compromise, a lot of communication and the list goes on. I know that you are a great mother to those kids and they are so lucky to have you. I have read your blog for a few years now and I feel like I relate to you so much. I am super close to my mom and my sister. I moved about three hours away when I got married and left everything I loved behind and a great career. It has been a challenge this year. I pray with God by your side he will get you through this difficult time. You have some of the best support around you. I also ended the year on a sad note. We found out we were pregnant with our first child and were the ultimate of highs and at our 10 week appointment there was no heartbeat. Having to go through this right around the holidays was devastating. Thank you for being so honest and real on your blog everyday. Your Instagram stories make me smile and laugh on days when it is hard to. Sending hugs your way!
I am so sorry to hear this. I will be praying for strength for you and your family
I am so incredibly sorry Natalie! I don't know you personally, but of course feel like I have gotten to know you over the years of reading your blog. It is the first site I look at when I wake up in the morning and I appreciate your braveness and honesty to put yourself out there during a difficult time. Marriage is extremely difficult and my heart goes out to you. Hoping you are able to heal and have a more peaceful 2017. Sending hugs from Columbia.
Natalie, I never comment ever on anyone's blogs EVER! But I felt compelled to do so on this one. For one, I love love that you are so honest and up front. I'm also very impressed that you are so strong. I read your blog daily and also see your IG stories. I would never have guess you are going through this. I'm also commenting bc I, myself have gone through the same recently. My divorce was literally finalized yesterday, so I get what you are going through. It's the hardest thing in the world, especially when kids are involved. I can only say that it will get better, things are meant to be as they will be, and lastly, you are not alone. Just hearing your story somewhat helps me know that we all go through this. It's so common, even though you feel like your situation is different. Really it is. Because it's you and your family, and it's never easy. Anyway, I'm proud of you and you're an amazing mother. You will overcome this is time. I love reading your blog daily. Keep being you, honey! And even though I don't know you personally, I still feel connected! Haha! I know we would be friends in real life;) I'm here if you need me!
I have followed your blog for several years and honestly after years of stumbling across new blogs and reading for a while you are the only one that I have been consistent with and check daily (and always have). I do it because I admire your honesty, sense of humor and just overall ability to be "real". You often write things that I can relate 100% with and I find it so refreshing that you put yourself out there in such a public forum and own it. Today's post was nothing short of that and it was so brave to put it out there. I'm sorry you have been struggling and I'm sorry that your marriage didn't work. Marriage is by no means easy as my husband and I have certainly dealt with our own share of stuff I would never wish upon anyone. But from your post it sounds like you gave it your all and sometimes it just doesn't work. I know it's a little awkward to have support from a stranger, but if anything I just wanted to reiterate what I'm sure everyone above is saying that you are an admirable person for sharing your life and even though we may not know you personally we love the person that you are. I'm so sorry times are tough right now and will be sure to think of you and your family and that it will be smooth transition for everyone. I will never forget my mother-in-law telling me "you get one life so make sure it's a happy one". Those words have always stuck with me as I am so prone to take care of everyone else but myself. I'm slowing working on boundaries but it's just tough. Anyway, I hope that this time period is as easy as it could be for you and confident you will be stronger in the end! Again, thanks for sharing your life with us!
This is my first comment, but I want you to know I'm praying for you and rooting for you. Life is hard, but God is good.
Goodness, I had no idea what soever! Prayers to you both as well as the kids.
As someone who has been there, my divorce was final almost exactly 3 years ago, I sensed that things were not going well. I am truly sorry to hear that you are going through this. I have 2 little girls, they are now 5 and 8, and getting divorced was the hardest thing I've ever done, but I did learn just how strong I am. I can relate to how you feel right now, and it does get easier. I am honestly much happier now. I just couldn't live my life pretending to be happy anymore. Thank you so much for sharing this very private part of your life. Your honesty and openness is one of my favorite things about your blog and the reason it's my first read when I sit down in my office. My best advice is to find a good therapist! My therapist pretty much saved me. It's so nice to have someone neutral to talk to. Sending hugs and prayers your way!
Natalie, I have read your blog for years-the only one I check everyday. I feel like we are friends! I am so sorry to hear this, please know I am praying for you and your family!!!! Lots of love!!!
I've only been reading your blog for the past year or so – but every post you do is so real and refreshing..even when it's sharing something difficult like this. I can tell from your smile and attitude in your posts that you'll no doubt come out a better, stronger, and hopefully happier person. Thinking about you and your two adorable kiddies!
I have been a long time reader. Thinking of you and your family during this time. 2017 will be your year. Sending lots of love.
I'm also an every day reader and a first time commenter. Natalie, I read your blog every single day and it has lifted me up through some very difficult times. My husband's cancer diagnosis, loss of a job… when I was feeling my lowest I knew I could hop on to your site and it made my heart feel lighter, my spirits higher. I've been so grateful to you for the inspiration you've shown me.
I know this must be the toughest time. I am lifting you up in prayer and know that you and your sweet babies are surrounded by love and support within your family, friends and extended blog family. Love you girl!!
I'm also an every day reader and a first time commenter. Natalie, I read your blog every single day and it has lifted me up through some very difficult times. My husband's cancer diagnosis, loss of a job… when I was feeling my lowest I knew I could hop on to your site and it made my heart feel lighter, my spirits higher. I've been so grateful to you for the inspiration you've shown me.
I know this must be the toughest time. I am lifting you up in prayer and know that you and your sweet babies are surrounded by love and support within your family, friends and extended blog family. Love you girl!!
Nat, I am so sorry to hear this! You are such a boss and you will come out on top. I am 100% sure of this. Thinking of you during this time! xoxo
Praying for you and your sweet kiddos. I love your blog and the life you share with us every day. You seem like an awesome daughter, friend, mom and so much more. I hope 2017 is full of positives!
Thinking of you!! Been there before. You'll come out stronger and will learn so much about yourself in the process (as I'm sure you already have). You deserve the world!!
So sorry for your family. My thoughts are with you all. As the child of divorce, I know that there will be challenges as changes happen, but the most important thing is that the kids always know they are loved by you both, and you don't speak negatively about the other parent in front of the children. My deepest wishes that you all find happiness on this road.
Oh Natalie I'm so so sorry for this. I've been a daily reader of your blog and have been following your story for years. Your blog was what caused me to want to visit Charleston for the first time. And then after we came we fell in love with Charleston SO much that we built a house there and are moving there in 2 days! I am going to be praying for your family during this difficult time and I know that God will guide you on just the right way to handle it. Praying for wisdom and for clarity as you move forward. And also for peace for Sterling and Francis!
I am so sorry to hear this, your strength is amazing through your blogging and IG stories. Such a positive example. I'm thankful you continue to blog despite what your going through. Thank you! I enjoy reading your blog daily!
Can I just say on a lighter note I am trying to convince my husband to take a trip to Charleston so I can go to lunch with you, Caycee and Ashley!
I have been a big fan of you and your blog for so long! I am so sorry to hear this, as I can only imagine your heartache. I will lift you up in prayer and pray for your peace and protection from any negativity. Thank you for your honesty and bravery. You are on your way to a great tomorrow!
I am so sorry to hear about this. I hope it's a peaceful transition for everyone involved.
I'm so sorry to hear this news. I hope it's a peaceful transition for everyone involved. I know it can be like a death in a family. Praying for you and your family.
I would usually never take the time to comment but I saw today's post and wanted to send some positive vibes your way!! I love your blog and it never fails to keep me motivated and inspired. I'm so sorry that you have to travel this road but I hope that the love and support of friends help to carry you through this difficult journey. Hugs from NYC!!!!
Oh Natalie, I am so so sorry. I'll admit I have been wondering about the absence of Matt in recent months but truly still hoped for the best. I wish you all peace and happiness during the difficult time, you've handled this with such grace.
So sorry to hear that you are working through this. I have noticed that you haven't been posting as much and I miss your outfit inspiration- my closet does too! My mom is a loyal reader too- she follows 2 blogs- mine and yours! She always tells me when she bought a "Natalie top" or made a "Natalie recipe."
Thinking of you and your family. Decisions like this are not made lightly and I am sure your children will continue to feel love and blessed with wonderful parents. Fresh start mama <3
Thinking of you Natalie <3 xoxo
I'm so terribly sorry to hear this. Lean on those around you. Hugs!!
Look at all of this amazing support from people who love being a part of your life! It's difficult to have a blog and feel the pressure of needing to divulge even the most private of situations. I wish the best for all of you and hope that 2017 is YOUR year! Sending hugs and a clink of wine glasses!
The thing I like best about your blog is your honesty. You always seem to keep it real! Will keep you & your sweet family in my thoughts.
I am very very sorry. I have been through it as well and have an extremely well adjusted son and daughter who are better off that if i had stayed. Its SO SO hard though and you will have ups and downs but stay focused on trusting God to carry you through. Will be praying for you and your precious children. And LOVE your blog!
So sorry to hear this news! I wish your family much strength and courage and love during this difficult time. Your willingness and honesty with some of your struggles in life has always been interesting to read. I remember when you blogged about wanting to have a third child while your husband was against it. You have shared the difficult times that naturally come with raising small children with so much candor and humor. Both the above mentioned are so rare in the blogging world!
It's always so sad when a marriage breaks up, no matter what the reasons. I'm glad to hear that you and Matt are committed to parenting your children together. As a once divorced mother of two, I can tell you it won't be easy. I encourage you both to try to always place the children's best interests first. If both parents can get along, it's so much easier for the kids.
Thinking of you. You are brave and such an influence! Keeping doing you and things will be just fine!
I am so sorry to hear that. Prayers for you all as you transition through this.
Hi Natalie, I've been a long time reader and always enjoy your posts! I was so sad to read this and I know how hard it must have been to write. So very brave of you to do so. I will be praying for you and your precious family during this difficult time.
You shared this difficult time with your reader with such grace and honesty. You are a classy woman and mother that will, no doubt, come out the other side stronger than before.
Love your blog and I'm so sad to hear this. It looks like you have an amazing supportive family which can get you through anything. Prayers to you.
Hi Natalie, I am a long time reader first time commenter. As everyone has expressed this marriage thing can be so beyond hard, I am so sorry ya'll are going through this time. My thoughts and prayers are with ya'll!
I check your blog every day and always enjoy reading it. I'm so very sorry that you are going through such a tough time – but I have complete faith that you will come out the other side happier and stronger. You can do this!
Prayers for you and your family. No matter what your adorable kids are lucky to have two parents that love them so much. I hope 2017 is a year filled with more good times than bad.
Much love Natalie- you have a community of women here who love you.
I am a long time reader first time commenter. As everyone has expressed marriage can be so beyond hard! I am so very sorry ya'll are going through this. You are your family are in my thoughts and prayers!
I am a long time reader first time commenter. As everyone has expressed marriage is so beyond hard. I am so sorry ya'll are going through this but I really admire your honesty. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Xoxo
I will keep you in my prayers…I can tell from your posts you are a genuine, caring person and I know you are an amazing mother who only wants the best for her children! You are very brave for sharing this and I know others will find comfort and strength from it.
I love reading your blog… So sorry for your separation. U are in my prayers …
Thinking of you and wishing you the best throughout this time of change!
I look forward to reading your blog every day…….& I am so sorry that you have struggled so much in the last year.
You are doing great…….it's not easy……you seem to have wonderful support spiritually & from family & friends.
You will prevail…….your quote at the end of today's blog said it all…..
Im sorry you are going through such a touch time. I have been seperated for almost 5 years and still fighting through the divorce. I wish you the best.
My prayers are with you sweet friend. Xo
Natalie – like so many others, I am a long time follower, first time commenter. Thanks for your honesty and for always being real. It must be hard to put your brave face on every day for your readers and for your children, but they'll look back at this time one day and see the strong, confident, dedicated mother that you've always been, no matter what curveballs life throws your way. I'm a new mom, and I hope to always be as involved with my son's life as you are with your kids. You are a role model for so many of us, and I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say we've got your back, girl! We love your smiley, glowing posts, but we're certainly not going to ever lose interest or unfollow if you have more honest/blunt/difficult posts to share with us. I hope you find comfort and a sort of therapy in your blog, and we welcome your real ness. Thanks for sharing so much of your life with us, and stay strong, mama!
I am sure this was so hard for you to share, but please know that we are all human, and anyone who has been married knows how tough that can be. Wishing you all of the best and most of all, peace.
Natalie – like so many others I am a long time follower, first time commenter. Thanks so much for sharing so much of your life with us, from the good times to the bad. It can't be easy to put your brave face on every day for your readers, or more importantly, for your kids, but damn you do a great job! One day your kids are going to look back at this and see how brave you were, and how gracefully you carried yourself, while remaining such a fantastic and dedicated mama without missing a beat. I am a new mom, and I so admire your relationship with your children. They will be your strength through this difficult time. I hope you find comfort and a type of therapy in your blogging, and know that while we love your funny and sunny disposition, I'm sure I can speak on behalf of everyone when I say that we've got your back, girl, and we will not lose interest/unfollow if you have gloomy days ahead and need to be real/blunt with your posts. Thanks so much for being so real with us, and I wish y'all happiness in whatever form that looks like. Stay strong, mama!
Prayers for you and your family. I wish you all the best.
I have always been impressed with all you manage to do every day…if anyone can handle this, it is you!
Such a tough thing to go through. I'm about a year ahead of you. Sounds like you have a great support group in your family and friends and a great positive outlook. You will get through this and be stronger and happier – benefiting you and those precious kids. Wishing you and your family a great 2017!
I just said a prayer for you & your family. I'm a lot older than you but I enjoy your blog. I lIke seeing all you cute outfits and recipes but I especially enjoy when you express feelings I think most females at your stage in life are either feeling or have felt. These blogs were not around when I was raising children or going through a divorce. I don't think you should in any way feel obligated to share everything with your viewership but I do think your sharing may help others to understand they are not alone. God's peace to you & your family.
Long time reader as well. So sorry to hear you and your family are going through this. Amazed by your energy and commitment to your readers. Thank you for your continued openness. You are strong woman who will get through this.
I was your age when I separated from my then husband. My son was only 5. That was 24 years ago. It was without question the hardest decision and time of my life. But, life does go on. Lean on your support people. Take strength from this blog. Listen to your audience. You too will get through this. It may be years before you understand why this happened to you but clarity does eventually come. Stay strong for your kids. It's going to be a bumpy ride but all worth it.
I'm so sorry to hear you are going through this, Natalie. Hoping that 2017 brings you peace and contentment.
Praying for you and your family!
I can only imagine what a difficult time and decision that was for you and Matt but ultimately you have to be happy to. My parents should have divorced when we were little but didn't and fought for 20+ years. It's much better for kids this way. Love your blog and thanks for being so honest!!
We've just lost two friends in the past year to cancer and they were both under the age of 45. The one thing that I've learned from this is that life is too short not to be happy. Wishing you and Matt strength, peace, grace and much happiness.
I'm very sorry your going thru this. I am hoping this year will be a great one for you! God bless you and your family.
I am very sorry. It is especially difficult with small children. Take care of all of you.
Sending positive vibes your way.
I am so sorry to hear this….you are in my prayers and I love that you are faithful to God having the perfect plan for you! Your blog brings so much joy to so many and you and your little ones are just precious! Know that so many of us are lifting you up and sending love and strength your way!
Sending you so much love <3
When I was going through my separation and subsequent divorce, I read the quote "Good relationships don't end" and it really stuck with me. When others would say they were so sorry for what I was going through, I would say "it's okay, good relationships don't end" and reframe what I was going through for them and for myself. It takes a lot of faith to walk away from the known and into the unknown. I'm so impressed by your resilience, positivity, and strength, Natalie. I've read and loved your blog every day for years. Sending you lots of support and admiration – stay strong and when all else fails have a big glass of wine and a full plate of cheese. xoxoxo
You are such a great mom and an inspiration to many. May God bless you and your family during this difficult time!!!
I am so very sorry to hear this. Prayers to you and your family during this next chapter. Thanks for your honesty and transparency.
I am so very sorry to hear this. Prayers to you and your family during this next chapter. Thanks for your honesty and transparency.
Natalie, I am so sorry. I can only imagine what you are going through. You know, I love reading your blog – the outfits, recipes, family and real life posts keep me coming back day after day. You are such a good mom, Sterling and Frances are lucky to have you. We'd love to hang out sometime!
I only recently decided to announce my divorce to those outside my immediate inner circle. It's so tough, especially with children. Wishing you the best!
I just read this, and I am so sorry but also, thank you for sharing, and you have lots of support.. I am a divorced mom of 1, and honestly it was the BEST decision I ever made for myself and my daughter. My prayers are with you all!
Gosh, I'm so sorry to hear this. I'm wishing you so much happiness in the future. I know in my heart you'll find it. You seem to be such a lovely soul. All the best.
PS– I too am thinking about separation and haven't been brave enough for many reasons to actually do it. Please keep us updated on how this is working out for you. Your strength will be inspiring to all of your readers.
So sorry to hear this. Sending happy thoughts and prayers your way.
Nat, I missed this post! I'm so sorry to hear what you're going through. Sending you so much love!
I read this a few days ago, and it has taken me this long to write a response. I'm going through a similar path. My husband and I's marriage will be finalized on Saturday and it's bittersweet. While I loved him and we both tried to make it work, it just wouldn't. So I pray (as a Southerner and raised in the church, but non practicing) that you have comfort, faith, and understanding, because that's what I prayed for myself. It's sad either way, I understand. You're not the first, and you're not the last– there's community amongst us! Better people have gone through worse– We can do this! You are stronger than you know.
Natalie, I really love your blog. It's the only one I read every day. I read this post several days ago, but it has taken me a while to respond. One thing has really struck me, and I felt led this morning to post. Over the years, I was always impressed with your clear adoration for Matt. The story of how you met stuck with me, and I always thought it was so obvious through your writing how much you love and admire him. I know things change. I've been married for 13 years, and marriage is tough. So, so tough. But I believe it is worth it in the end. You'll make the right decision, but weathering the very worst storms deepens bonds and makes us stronger. Especially together. Prayers for the best.
I have to say, this post is amazing and perfect. Everyone has issues "behind closed doors" and sadly, those "issues" stay concealed, even though sharing would really benefit everyone. However, that is not to say that a blogger needs to share every last intimate detail. I just feel, sharing hardships would benefit everyone, which is one of the reasons I love honest bloggers!
I admire your strength in deciding to separate from your husband and I cannot imagine how hard it was for you. You are amazing, in that you made a difficult a decision for your children's benefit. You are an amazing mother!
Really sorry, Natalie! God has a plan!