Matt said the dreaded words to me this week, “I need more closet space.” He continued to tell me that his dry cleaned shirts and suits were staying wrinkled because they were crammed into the hall closet. Yes that is right, I gave my husband the smallest closet in the house, the one in the hall while I occupied the other 2 (used to be 3 before Sterling came along and I had to consolidate). This made me feel pretty bad that he had no space and I was hogging it. I will be the first to admit, I have a shopping problem and own way too many clothes, shoes and purses. Problem is, I love them all and have a hard time getting rid of them. So for 3 days I diligently worked and rearranged and cleaned out all three of our closets. I took 5bags of stuff to goodwill and it felt liberating. Matt ended up with a bigger closet, although I still snuck a few of my coats in there:)
Below are a few pictures of my closets, my camera really doesn’t do them justice they look so much better in person. Santa if you are reading I really want that Nikon for Christmas! And yes, I am sure you are thinking our closests are small and they are, we live in an old house with tiny, tiny closets!
The small hall closet now houses my dresses, clutches and boots. All of my favorite things! I switched out all my hangers to the velvet ones awhile ago and it made such a big difference. I was going to organize my closet by color, but decided to organize by occasion and material. Like all silk dresses together, all long sleeve dresses together, all dressy dresses etc.
My happy place, my purse shelf.
I stacked all the boots at the bottom and stuffed them with magazines rolled up so they would stand straight. I have a few pairs still under my bed but for the most part these are the boots I wear the most.
I had to use an over the door shoe rack because there was no other way or space to store my shoes. Definitely not my first choice but it works.
The closet in our bedroom consists of my shirts, sweaters, jeans, jackets and maxi dresses.
I bought these cute bins at Target to store my bikinis, scarfs, hats and gloves. I bought 4 and stacked them on the shelf in the closet. I love the fresh look of the ivory.
One day I am going to have a closet like Megan’s at Honey Were Home. It is my dream closet, she did an amazing job with it (and her whole house too)! It is truly gorgeous and kind of makes my closets look sad, but you gotta work with what you got!
How do you organize your closets? Any tips for organizing in small spaces?
I just told my husband this weekend that I wanted someone to organize my closets for me as a Christmas present!! Our closets are not big and I too have too many handbags, shoes, clothes, handbags,(I have a handbag problem)!! I have the closet in our bedroom, and my husband has the one closet in the guest room and I have the other. I would love to clean them out! Good for you for getting yours done!!!! They look amazing!!!!
I was shocked to get to the end and see my closet:) ha! This post was reminding me of SATC where Carrie has to make room in her closet for Aidan:) I spotted some very cool shoes/bags in your closet too!!
So proud of you! Don't worry, I won't reveal how many maxi dresses we counted last time I was there
It looks great!
Oh if I could just have a closet like carey's in sex and the city or just any large closet for that matter!
looks great! doesn't it feel good to organize sometimes?
so ironic. a friend of mine just came over to shoot me in my closet showing some of my fave items for her blog! i'll let you know when she posts it!
ahhh! next time you need to know where goodwill is, i'm going to give you my address. haha!
Nat! We were def. sisters in another life! I was just begging/ demanding Todd that we get someone to come put in custom closets for us, so I could get more organized!
Your organized closet looks great! I know, I can't wait to move (no time in the near future) and get a bigger closet – it's a must! I just wish I could see all of my options at one time!
P.S. I've got gold and black TBs, but love those gray suede ones I spy in that one pic! A girl can never have too many TB flats!
I'll take that gorgeous LV bag you have! lol
I started following her blog based on that closet alone!
And I'll be sure to come back to yours now as a regular now that I realize, among other things, we share a slight addiction to Tory Burch Reva's.