The Serena and Lily Private Sale started yesterday. You can access the sale early HERE.
Love these Beach Towels 50% off.
These Hooded Towels make great baby gifts, also 50% off.
I just love these Seagrass glasses for Summer Entertaining. Great fir wine, water or really any beverage.
These Tassel curtains are on sale in several colors. We have the black ones in Frances Moon’s nursery and love them!!
Several of my items from the Nordstrom sale arrived. The Nest candles smell just heavenly!! I had never bought either of these scents before but they are so fresh and smell divine. Rodney clearly approves too:)
Nest Candles (originally $76 now $50)
Also part of the sale is this Tunic. It is perfect to wear with leggings and skinny jeans and only $27. It comes in 5 colors.
I know the off the shoulder look is everywhere these days but I am still loving it. This Topshop Dress has my name all over it. That shade of green has been my favorite lately.
The new JCrew arrivals have me swooning. I am thinking about ordering this Marble print blouse.
I made one of my all time favorite recipes this week, Tomato Pie. It is pure heaven.
I am comtemplating a Swell water bottle. Anyone own one and what size is best? I heard they keep your drinks cold for 24 hours and things hot for 12 hours. I love this blue print.
Bubble Baths + Popsicles.
My sweet Frances ran a fever all day yesterday so we were trying to get her feeling better. The Popsicle at least brought out a smile.
This picture Caycee took of my kids melts my heart.
I just started the new Dorthey Benton Frank book, All the Single Ladies and love it! I have been into light, easy reads this Summer.
You all know I love my Essential Oils (see original post here). They really never go on sale but for the next 3 weeks you can take $10 and $10 % for existing members. Email if you are interested or want to place an order.
You look awesome, Mama! Love those white shorts!
I definitely recommend the Bob, especially if you'll be doing any kind of running. It is the best!
I also have a City Mini and have have so happy with it.
I love my BOB- it is great for jogging or less than smooth terrain (nature trails or even cobblestone streets), but there is not a lot of storage room- making it less than ideal for shopping
I have a few friends with the Uppa, and wish I had gone that route- seems to work for everything!
I'm SO GLAD you're watching Downton Abbey! I can't wait for you to get caught up. You're going to DIE! If you ever want to discuss the show, I'm here and am obsessed!!! I tried coconut oil on my super dry heels, but it didn't help.
Love that dress but I think I'm too short for it.
Honestly I would say you need two strollers- one for exercise and one for day-to-day stuff. The BOB is an amazing stroller for running, but it's super heavy and a pain to lug around. You'd want something lighter. We had a Baby Jogger City Mini (and the double) and LOVED it- so easy to steer, very light weight, very comfy for baby, fully reclines etc. It was the perfect stroller except for jogging… and I tried probably 15 different kinds (wish I was kidding!)
Love that top on you! Ok where do I get that coconut oil?? Need that. Always on the hunt for face products!
I say get the Bob. Coming from the girl that used hers twice
Omg Todd loved Downtown Abbey, I thought it was ok? But we still haven't seen the last episode and it's not on demand anymore. Do you have the disk? That dress is one of my all time favorites on you!
Consider getting a double bob. I don't know how much walking/running you do in your neighborhood but if you do you will love it! And I'm planning to get that book for my vacation next week- wooop!!
Hi Natalie! Congrats on the lil' nugget!! As far as coconut oil it's great for a lot of stuff. I use it as a moisturizer on my body (it really gives a nice glow to the skin that lasts most the day) and SPARINGLY on my hair at night before I shampoo it the next morning. You can easily use too much on your hair and have a greasy mess. I get mine at earth fare 16oz for around $9. Another trick is to use a baby feeding spoon (because they're long) and scrape some into the spoon, it's easier to get out and melt evenly in your hands.
As a side note I loved downtown abbey too, there is another great show called Call the Midwife on PBS that is great as well. The first season is on Netflix and you can watch the second season on until June 18th
My husband and I did a lot of research on a “jogging” strollers a few months ago. We don’t run/jog so it was hard to justify the price of the Bob. We came across the Schwinn Turismo and have been loving it! It’s great on bumpy sidewalks, its light, good storage underneath and the price is right! I used that exact coconut oil throughout my pregnancy. Rubbed it on my stomach every night. I didn’t get a single stretch mark. Not sure if it was because of the oil or if I just got lucky but I recommend it to all of my friends. I love your blog!
DA: Love it. I'm obsessed.
Strollers: We have the Quinny plus bassinet, the Uppa Baby G-Luxe, and the City Select Double. If I were you I would SERIOUSLY consider getting the city select double with the infant seat and bassinet attachments. It's MAGIC. It's so freaking light and literally folds itself up. You can get the jogging stroller version so you can still go on walks in your hood. I know you think Sterling is too old for a stroller but you have no idea how nice it is to STRAP him in while you get baby mason out of the car. Wells loves riding with Tagg even though if she were a lone kid she's be way over strollers. And it's drastically smaller than the Bob so it fits really easy and is a breeze to fold up.
I love my BOB Stroller – LOVE it. It's so very easy to push along whether you're walking or running. It's also very comfortable for my son – he's rode in it for close to 2 hours before and didn't fuss once!
Congrats on your little one and hope you're feeling well!
I'm so glad you got on the Downton Abbey bandwagon! I thought the same thing when my husband wanted to watch it and I've been obsessed ever since. So excited for season 4!
PS- I totally love that you are an outfit recycler! I do the same thing and almost get mad when I'm going to see the same groups of people when I have a really good outfit I just want to recycle and can't!
Ive never commented before, but as soon as i saw you were considering a city select i had to say dont do it!! i have one child, a little boy who is one, we have the city select in hopes to soon use it as a double! That's really the only reason I bought it. For one child, I think it is so bulky and heavy. It takes up the whole back of my SUV! I wouldn't recommend it for one. Everyone I know loves their BOB bc it is such a multi-use stroller. I couldn't wait to put my boy into an umbrella stroller and not lug that thing around! The lady at Sugar Snap Pea recommended the Uppa Baby GLuxe to me but I didn't listen. It fully reclines so it is approved from birth. However, it's not really for jogging! Congrats on the little one!
Watch an episode of Downtown Abbey is on my list of things to do. Everyone raves about it and I still haven't seen one episode. I typically feel the same way- pbs and period piece?
Uppa Baby Vista all the way!! I have put so many walking miles on that stroller. You can really walk briskly and it's not bumpy at all. But, you cannot run with it, so just keep that in mind. It does have a HUGE basket underneath, which was important to me. And, there is no bar between the back wheels, so no chance you will kick it when taking longer strides or if a taller person is walking with it. That was important since my husband is tall and was kicking all the strollers we tried out! I recently did buy an inexpensive Baby Trend jogging stroller to have that option. But the Uppa was the only one I had for a year and it was fantastic! You can get a car seat adapter for any brand and it clicks right in. Good luck on your stroller search!
We have both a double BOB and the Uppa Baby with 2nd seat attachment! Double BOB has been great for family walks and walking up to the pool…the storage underneath is terrible but we just but everything on top or the front. I have loooved my Uppa for daily baby/toddler use. Super easy to attach car seat, folds up so easy and has an optional bassinet that we used all the time in the beginning. And the storage is amazing. Multiple friends of mine have the Double City Select and have raved about it. Good Luck-honestly don't think you could go wrong with any of them!!!
You look fab!!
We have both a double BOB and the Uppa Baby with 2nd seat attachment! Double BOB has been great for family walks and walking up to the pool…the storage underneath is terrible but we just but everything on top or the front. I have loooved my Uppa for daily baby/toddler use. Super easy to attach car seat, folds up so easy and has an optional bassinet that we used all the time in the beginning. And the storage is amazing. Multiple friends of mine have the Double City Select and have raved about it. Good Luck-honestly don't think you could go wrong with any of them!!!
You look fab!!
Natalie! Happy Friday. I can't tell you how much I love coconut oil. When I was pregnant I used it to keep stretch marks at bay and subsequently keep using it all over my body; it is the BEST moisturizer. I also now use it on my infant. It is the best, non-toxic, natural lotion out there. Plus, who can resist kissing a baby that tastes like a coconut. In addition to use it has an eye makeup remover and body lotion, I also add it to my green smoothies. As for strollers. I have the city mini and love it, however, if I were to do it over, I would likely go with the Uppa Vista b/c of all the options and the attachments you can make is customized for 2 kids may be great for you.
I love my Bumbleride Indie, it's perfect for my walks/short runs. I don't have #2 yet, but I love that you can attach a toddler board to it and not need a double stroller (I am hoping to eventually avoid the double strollers because they are huge and look like a giant pain in the ass!)
Definitely the BJCS (Baby Jogger Coty Select) stroller. I have the inline double but imagine the single is even better! Love it!
My friends and I all craved lemonade when we were pregnant with boys!!! Just saying….
We love the uppababy vista! It has travelled all over with us- from sc to Costa Rica, Jackson hole…etc. it's so easy to fold up and I loved having the bassinet when our son was an infant. Plus you can add the rumble seat to make it a double!
We love the uppababy vista! It has travelled all over with us- from sc to Costa Rica, Jackson hole…etc. it's so easy to fold up and I loved having the bassinet when our son was an infant. Plus you can add the rumble seat to make it a double!
OHHH thanks for the heads up on Revenge Wears Prada!! Taking that with me to the beach this summer! I also loooove that Noland Dress… I may have to preorder it
p.s. Downton Abbey is THE BEST, I'm jealous you have so much ahead of you to watch, haha
cant wait to read that book!!!!! i need to get it at the airport to read later in flight….
and that RT blouse – I need!!!!
The only stroller you can jog with is the Bob!! It has a swivel front wheel and is so easy to turn and steer (or you can lock it so it won't swivel). You will love it and will not be disappointed. Plus, you can use it on any surface even the beach. Maybe even your husband will start running with it too! I love the Bob and have other Mom friends who have trouble with steering their stroller even on walks. Plus, the sun shade is awesome and has great storage. You can buy the car seat adapter, too.
I've loved the Uppababy Vista. Great for a baby and older kids too. The basket underneath is huge and holds a ton. You can also buy a little skateboard thing that clips on the back if you want somewhere for Sterling to jump on and off.
I highly recommend the Uppa Baby Vista. I bought one before my son was born and after 3 of my friends saw it they immediately ordered it too. One of the things I love about it is the basket (it’s huge and easy to access- unlike the City Select), I also love the way it rides (very smooth, I took it for long walks/jogs all the time when my son was younger). My son is now 4 1/2 and still fits well in it (we used it recently at Disney). You used to be able to buy a car seat attachment where you could just put that on and then pop in your car seat, but after looking at their website it looks like now they are also selling a car seat that just pops right on. That would be so easy! Overall I think it’s a great stroller. You will not be disappointed if you go with the Vista. Pricey, but totally worth it.
The only stroller you can jog with is the Bob!! It has a swivel front wheel and is so easy to turn and steer (or you can lock it so it won't swivel). You will love it and will not be disappointed. Plus, you can use it on any surface even the beach. Maybe even your husband will start running with it too! I love the Bob and have other Mom friends who have trouble with steering their stroller even on walks. Plus, the sun shade is awesome and has great storage. You can buy the car seat adapter, too.
I am still searching for a jogging stroller. With the bob would you need a smaller stroller too for regular use? That is what I can't figure out.
You look so pretty! I looked like a beast during pregnancy!
I like the middle part! I have to admit, I haven't watch DA for the same reasons. I know Amy loooves it. I need to just watch a damn episode esp since it's on Netflix. Why not? I think I've been avoiding it because it's an hour long. I am pathetic. Rub coconut oil in your hair and on your hands. It's so goooood! Also coconut oil in cookies….yeah.. I need to put that on my blog asap.
How beautiful do you look?!
So,I had a very hard time finding a stroller when I was pregnant with Owen. I researched, and tested every stroller out there. Several times. Not kidding. I went with the UppaBaby Vista and LOVE IT! Great convertible stroller, easy to use and I go walking several miles couple times a week with Owen and it is fabulous. Loads of storage underneath too. Great for shopping bc you can just store everything underneath the seat. The seat can be adjusted to lay all the way down or straight up, face forwards or backwards. I loved it so much I bought the UppaBaby G-Luxe when we moved to CA to use as our travel stroller. I could go on and on about it. Message me if you have any questions! :)))
City select double is AMAZING!!
but had the baby jogger City Elite, (comparable to the bob, but WAY more comfy and lays flat for an amazing place to nap for your little one! It's an EASY fold up and a great jogger/walker and you'll only need ONE stroller! Wish I had kept mine and not sold it for the City Select double which was great for the year that my babes were newborn & 2…
PS- I never liked lemonade until I was pregnant with Owen, and then I craved it all the time
So many things to address here:
A. We LOVE Downton Abbey… Wait until you meet Mr. Pamuk! So good.
B. SO checking out that book…thanks for the rec!
C. I highly recommend the BOB if you're looking for a jogging stroller…and you need to get the sport. We love it….such a smooth ride.
Happy Friday! XO
I need to start watching Downton Abbey….I've heard such great things. You are glowing!!
Please consider the city mini GT by baby jogger. It's the only stroller I have and I've never wanted or needed anything else. It came out last year and has some great improvements over the old city mini-better wheels and more storage space underneath. Plus it's so easy to fold-I can fold it up and get it in my car while holding my 10 month old! You would just need to order the adaptor piece for the carseat and you'd be good to go!!!
As a jogging stroller Bob is the very best, love mine like you have no idea. I have a mclaren for daily stuff and bob is my running pal, highly recommend it!
It looks like most people LOVE their Bob and I completely agree with them. But here are somethings you should consider if you go in that direction. While it's an AWESOME running stroller it's not super easy to breakdown and it takes up a lot of space. You can buy attachments like cup holders and diaper bags that fit it perfectly which is nice. If you want it for an infant you have to buy an adapter and the correct carseat. I would be careful of that before you purchase unless you're planning on also buying a new carseat. There are some downfalls to it but I wouldn't use any other stroller. I'm on the Bob bandwagon!
Thanks for the great post!
Brittany @ Everyday Thoughts
I was obsessed with lemonade when I was pregnant with my third baby! I would make my own- freshly squeeze half a lemon over ice and dilute with water. Add pure organic maple syrup for sweetener. So healthy a refreshing and delish!
Also- love my single and double BOBs for everything. Good luck!
You will love the BOB. We put it to the ultimate test- Disney World in the summer, and it was great. Very packable and it has a very small profile in crowds making it great for the Farmer's Market. Best part? Once my babies were out of it I was able to sell it used for 70% of what I bought it new.
The BOB stroller! That thing is so handy and easy to use! I take it everywhere!
We have the BOB and I really love it. My son is 3.5, so we haven't bought a double stroller yet. There's a little space above the third wheel, so sometimes when we go on walks, he'll sit there if he gets tired. My daughter just turned one, so there's still room. I'm sure you already know this, but Trader Joe's has sparking pink lemonade that I love!
I love Downtown Abbey!! And you look gorgeous in that red Dress! Happy Friday!
I just started the book and I am halfway done. It is SO good! As for strollers, I had a Bugaboo with my first and was so over it with my second. We got a couple others (stroller hoarder) but my favorite has been the City Mini because it just flips in half to fold up. Ridiculously easy and I use it for jogging all of the time. It holds up against wear and tear a lot better than the Bugaboo too!
your style is so chic!
I look forward to following your blog!
Hi Natalie – DO NOT get a City if you're going to run with it. I was running with mine once (just to cross a street) and the front wheel hit a rut and the stroller stopped and I flipped over the stroller and my son ended up with a scrape on his nose (and thank God it wasn't worse!). Scared the daylights out of both of us! I think the City is a walking stroller, strictly!
Can you wear a bra with the noland dress? I think Social Dress Ship is already out – It won't let me preorder – am I doing something wrong???
you look so great! i'm a TOTAL repeat outfit offender, too. if i'm at home all day, i tend to shower, dress up and walk the dog over to meet my husband at the train. since i only wear that outfit for a few hours, i often wear it again the next day if i'm working or will be out and about running errands. enjoy downton abbey. i love that show! oh, and i love coconut oil. i use it to help heal cuts without scarring, to soften cuticles, smooth rough heels, and to condition my hair and scalp. i store mine in the fridge, so when i'm ready to use it, i chip off a little hunk and zap it in the micro for a few seconds to liquify. i often add a few drops of essential oils to it, too (my favs are lemongrass or lavender). i bet it would feel good on your belly as it grows…
Congrats on the little one! I have a bob and a city mini gt. The bob is great for walks and running, but it is not that great for strolling around the mall, it is fairly large to lug around. The city mini gt is my mall stroller and I love it. It is super easy to fold and it fits perfectly in my trunk. I have also heard great reviews of the Uppsbaby Vista.
Not to get old wives-taily on you but I couldn't get enough lemonade or grapefruit juice when I was prego and everyone told me it meant girl. Didn't believe it and I had a girl.
As for stroller City Mini or City Select are my fav's have a bugaboo too and usually default to the other one. So easy to push and maneuver especially with one hand while drinking your iced coffee.
Congrats on bambino #2.
I didn't see it mentioned often, but you should check out Bumbleride for a stroller. I was so sad to say good-bye to mine. I just loved it! Great jogger and everyday stroller. Plus, it can easily accommodate a newborn with or without a carseat.
oh Downton is SO good!
You are seriously the cutest little pregnant lady I know…and stylish too!
I LOVE my bugaboo donkey, but needed a double..Bobs are great if you can leave them in your garage-they are a BITCH to get in and out of the car. Have you considered the quinny? If I'm not mistaken they are rugged enough to be an occasional jogger and fold with a button push.
I love my Bob for hardcore runs but honestly, my City Mini is the best! I run with it, it's awesome to travel with,and just overall great to push! Plus, it's so easy to get in and out of the car! Love it!
I think this is my first comment on your site but I have to chime in with my two cents on stroller. I highly recommend getting the UppaBaby Vista and adding the buggy board ($80-90 on Amazon). Best purchase ever. I love how it comes with the bassinet which I used all the time and the buggy board works with both the bassinet and regular seat both ways. Since the handle extends out, the child rides inside the handle which is really comfortable for them. It easily detaches and there is a clip so you can put the board up when not in use. My oldest is 5 now and second is 1 1/2 and the seat and board still work perfectly for us – to the mall and especially for walks around the park. I do break it down each time to put in the trunk but I really don't mind since I've gotten so used to it. I haven't even used my old Maclaren Quest stroller that I would normally use for quick trips since I just love using the Vista so much. Oh and I got it in red and love it! I got a new 2011 in 2012 I believe for $499 on Amazon.
I just bought the BOB Motion stroller last night (I think its new) ! I liked it because you could use a Britax carrier with it and you don't need any attachments. It also has more rugged wheels for all the exercise I will be doing;) If you have a Buy Buy Baby near you you can use the coupons on it too! PS- I can't get enough of Chick fil A Lemonade! It's hard being pregnant in the summer, no margaritas!
I finished Revenge in literally 48 hours. I am not sure if I loved it as much as her others though…
We have the Orbit infant system. While it was a bit pricey, we have been very happy with this investment. Hadley is too big for the stroller now, but she rides on the side "skateboard" attachment when we are out and about. It has survived beautifully in an urban environment and has grown with the two kiddies. It was one of our best purchases, since having kids. Most of my friends have the Uppa Baby and love it! Also, look on Craigs List because sometimes people are getting rid of their strollers and some of them have barely been used!
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okay other than the baby things obviously, this is my life 100% right now. just finished season 1 of downton abbey and I truly cant handle just how amazing it is!!!! so so great. i cannot wait to devoir revenge wears prada – the first book was so great and obviously so was the movie! and bb dakota is my new obsession – so many great dresses for under $100…. I need that one added to the list immediately! hope you had a great weekend!
I repeat outfits all the time..especially on weekends!
We've just gotten sucked in to Downton too! We finished Season 1 in one day with some friends and now have to watch 2 and 3!
that red dress is stunning!! and repeat outfits are my fave
they are so easy!! that book is next on my reading list! glad you love it!
I am the biggest fan of my UPPAbaby Vista. I love that it came with all the accesories, including bassinet which we used a lot, and that my son who is 2 fits in it comfortably still. I also love that it has the biggest basket underneath, which is great for shopping!!
From those stroller options I'd highly recommend the BOB. We live in Charleston and have a one year old and a three year old. We have a single and a double bob and I use the single a lot more then then double. It's PERFECT for the beach, grass, the uneven streets downtown, etc. Plus, with the single BOB I usually put our one year old in the seat and then our three year old walks. If he gets tired (or I just need to move him around faster) he can sit on the front – it's the perfect mini-seat just in case you need it
I LOVE our Bumbleride Indie. It is an amazing stroller and it glides like a serious dream! I can jog with it and their customer service is top notch. Never been so happy with a baby purchase!
I have easily fallen in love with using coconut oil in everything. I have a separate jar for my bathroom and use that as a lotion, lip balm, eye make up remover and deoderant (partially, on top of my Thai crystal stone deoderant), you need next to NOTHING when you put it on otherwise it is shiny. I also use it in cooking & baking, replace it for butter, oil, etc. (exact replacement ratio). It leaves a slight coconut flavor, but if you don't mind that it works wonders and way better than butter. Enjoy!
I have the UppaBaby Vista and I'm obsessed with it. It's lightweight (for a stroller) and we used the car seat attachment and bassinet A TON! Also, they make the plate for the back so Sterling can "ride" if he wants which might be a nice option to have.
Bob for exercising, and I love!!! the Britax B-Agile. It's similar to the CityMini but so much better. You can collapse with one hand and it only weighs 11 pounds. Plus you can click the Britax car seat right in it!
I LOVE the Noland dress. What size did you get? I'm not familiar with BB's sizing. Thank you;)