Hi Friends! I’m Natalie Mason. I live in Charleston, SC and I am mom to Sterling 12 , Frances Moon 8 and our mini golden doodle Dolly.



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Friday’s Truths

Nov 6, 2015

It has been awhile since I did a Friday’s truths/confessions post, so here we go.



1. I love One Direction.  Like really love them and kind of want to see them perform live.  Why at the ripe old age of 35 have I started to like teen music??  I also love Nick Jonas:)r



2. I joined a gym for the first time in 5 years.  I decided I need to do something to lose the few pounds I have gained.  I figure if I am paying every month it will make me feel like I need to get my money’s worth. 


3. I have anxiety every time I leave Frances in the nursery at the gym.  Even though I am at the gym right there near the nursery I feel bad leaving her.  I have attachment issues with my kids clearly.


4. I have become addicted to decaf cappuccinos.  It is my favorite treat in the morning.


5.  Yesterday Sterling and I finally watched Inside Out and I cried.  I mean I got teary eyed several times.  I thought it was going to be a funny light hearted movie but it was way more thought provoking and serious than I expected. 


6. I feel like time is passing by so quickly these days and it scares me.  I heard the country song “Don’t Blink’ on the radio yesterday and it really resonated with me.  I want to try and savor these moments with the kids while they are young and still want to be with me.


7.  I can’t stop thinking about Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton possibly being a couple.  For some reason this makes me really happy.  I love both of them.



8. I am so ready to start decorating for Christmas.  Matt insists I can’t put any decorations up til after Thanksgiving but I want to start decorating so I have more time to enjoy them.


9. Every Friday morning I wake and get excited because I know we will order pizza tonight.  I am pizza obsessed.  It is my favorite way to the end the week with a side of wine:)



10. Last week I went 5 days without washing my hair.  It was a record.


11.  I have become a snob about alcohol and wine. I only want to drink the good stuff.  Life is too short for bad booze.  Gray Goose and Casamigos tequila are my favorites.


12. I think I may be the only person who starts eating more veggie meals and gains weight.  Matt is losing weight and I am gaining weight- not fair!  Maybe my beloved bacon helped me keep the weight off.


13.  Sterling brings home so much stuff from school and I throw almost all of it away.  I feel bad but I just can’t save everything little thing he draws or colors.  He actually saw one in the trash the other day and I had to act surprised like how did that get in there???


14. I am so over breakfast foods.  I can’t ever think of anything that sounds appealing to eat in the morning.  I know breakfast is the most important meal- any suggestions?


15. John Stamos and Rob Lowe are two men who I feel like reverse age.  They look just as good now as they did 20 years ago.  They need to dish their secrets.


16.  I am really thinking about jumping on the botox train.  I feel like I know so many people who are doing it and I don’t want to the be the only one with wrinkles.  I also hate needles and don’t want to look frozen.  I sometimes wish they had never invented these types of things so everyone could just age normally.


17. I cut a few inches off my hair this week and it felt really good.  I didn’t go too short but definitely cut about 4-5 inches off.  I may go shorter next time, but baby steps for now.  I have hair issues.


18. My Monday nights are not the same without The Bachelor/Bachelorette.  When does it start back up??


19. This time last year is when Matt’s back went out.  I am thankful everyday that he is better.  He meets with a surgeon in 2 weeks to discuss options.  He still really wants surgery and that scares me.


20. Friday is my favorite day of the week


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  1. Hey Natalie! Before you do the botox, PLEASE try my Rodan+Fields products. I promise you, you will not be disappointed and there are NO needles involved. I actually emailed you the other day regarding this subject! Check it out, email me, or give me a call! 🙂


  2. I love Gwen and Blake too…sometimes opposites attract! I am the same way with the things Lily brings home…I save some but throw out a lot too…she always finds it in the trash and asks why I threw it out! I always blame it on her Dad! Ha! One time I told her our cat had thrown up on it…whatever works, right?! 😉

  3. I literally agree with every single thing you wrote! Well except I'm scared of Botox. My derm told me that she doesn't encourage women to start in their thirties because there is no long term research on what the ingredients will do to your body/skin down the road. That was enough to scare my anxious mind for a while. 🙂 That rule applies to those who plan to use it long term in her opinion. Love Friday!! And, shew the gym…I joined one and still don't go. We need a blogger accountability club. 🙂 If I could only get in a routine…

  4. Marychris says:

    Number 13! Preach! I get busted by the trash nazi all the time (my 4 year old) for throwing stuff out!! I get so stressed by all the clutter that paper creates. This is one battle I am fighting! And do the botox….if you don't like it, don't do it again. Make sure you just find a conservative Dr. who won't go over board. Xoxo

  5. For kid art my friend takes a pic of each thing before she throws it away. Then at the end of each school year she makes them in to a shuttetfly album. The kids get to "keep" their art and you don't have junk everywhere! I plan on doing the same when my little starts bringing stuff home from mdo.

  6. I could go all veggie and be happy but I would be really fat. The carbs are my problem. It was not a big deal until I turned 40 and now the only way I can avoid weight gain is no carbs. I am jealous of all of the yummy looking stuff you post and think "How is she so slim? Not fair" LOL!
    Tried Botox but it wore off too fast. I'd need like $500 worth every 3 months so I said forget it.

  7. Please please do not get Botox. You will be playing Russian Roulette with your health. They still do not know the long term effects of Botox. But more and more lawsuits are being filed daily. Some people don't experience a negative reaction until after they've gotten it many times. It is a neurotoxin that is causing more and more health issues in patients every day. Plus so many people who've gotten it for years start to look plastic and lumpy (Hollywood actresses). Are you really so insecure that you can't deal with aging gracefully!? You are beautiful. At least do your homework before you jump on that bandwagon. There are so many other fantastic options available including Frownies, Furlesse, and as someone else mentioned Rodan & Fields. Retin-A is also tremendous. My mom started using it in her 40s and at 70 has the skin of a 50 year old – not exaggerating. Please think about this.

  8. I throw stuff away too and act surprised when I get caught! I also want botox!

  9. KGW says:

    I love this, and agree with so many things you said! Great post

  10. Andrea C says:

    Always love your confessions posts! We are pretty similar. 🙂 I love Botox, just wish it wasn't so expensive and lasted longer. I'm 43 and have done it handful of times, makes me look more awake when I do. Luckily I don't have a lot of wrinkles yet but the fine ones around my eyes bother me.
    I think Gwen and Blake make a bit of an odd couple but good for them.
    I have just got on the 'not washing hair every day' bandwagon and actually LOVE it. My stylist goes 2-3 days without washing and her hair always looks great so she convinced me to try it. Great dry shampoo spray is key I've found out, love the one she sells. Now I go 1-2 days and actually like my hair better when it's a bit 'dirty'. Plus I can get ready SO much faster now, win win! 🙂
    Enjoy your super adorable kids, it does go by SO fast. Mine boy then girl too, are 10 and nearly 14 now, yikes!!! My son is taller than my husband now, crazy.

  11. Unknown says:

    you could try creating a rotating "museum gallery" of Sterling's art. Maybe in the kitchen? You could get a bulletin board and tack them up for a while before rotating them out (into the circular file). Or maybe a small gallery wall with those acrylic frames you can easily switch the art in and out of (http://www.michaels.com/studio-decor-acrylic-box-frame/M10118604.html?dwvar_M10118604_color=Clear). It'll make him feel special and perhaps less concerned with where the rest of the art goes.

    Just eat what you want for breakfast. Only Americans and Europeans have "breakfast food". Have a sandwich, or a salad or hummus and chips. Lately I've really been into dairy free green smoothies. Yum!

  12. AA says:

    you are hysterical!! as for sterling, why don't you scan (or if not possible) take a pic of his art? then you can always have it saved on your photos in your computer. and even make a little blurb book every year with all the artwork! i only wash my hair 1-2 times a week and love gwen and blake! have a great weekend 😉

  13. AA says:

    you are hysterical!! as for sterling, why don't you scan (or if not possible) take a pic of his art? then you can always have it saved on your photos in your computer. and even make a little blurb book every year with all the artwork! i only wash my hair 1-2 times a week and love gwen and blake! have a great weekend 😉

  14. Have you tried the keepy app – it's what I use for my kindergarteners school work – take a picture and then recycle. You can also make books out of the pics. I never feel bad about throwing his school work away anymore. 🙂

  15. I've gotten botox for my 11's for years. No bad side effects. It lasts 6 months for me and I go to my Dermatologist who is at a major hospital here (Northwestern). If you do get it go to a person who has years of experience and only a Dermatologist or Plastic Surgeon.

    I also started using Retin-A 2 years ago and I think it's helping my skin so much. I am 46 and swear I still get carded! The check-up person usually gasps when she see my age and ask me my secrets.:-)

  16. Yes to Blake and Gwen, there is something about them that I love as well! I want Monday nights to be filled with Bachelor/Bachelorette too, hurry up! Xo, Stephanie

  17. I love these posts and your blog! You are not in any place to need Botox -beautiful, although i understand, I'm just still nervous about it myself. I was a vegan/vegetarian for many years before incorporating fish into my diet for the last 10 years or so. Within the last year, I started to eat other proteins, just feeling like my body needed it. I honestly feel like it's been better for my body shape/size. I do need to exercise more, but I feel like if I did that more consistently; things would be better. Breakfast lately for me…..cottage cheese and fruit is hitting the spot. One more – Gwen & Blake; I'm so weirded out by this. I love them both, but love me some Miranda! I feel so bad if this caused their divorce……my Friday truths!

  18. Lover buns! I've been doing botox since I was 26! Eeekkk… I've been to every injector/ surgeon/ derm/ and est. in CLT. The next time you're in town, let me know. I now have the BEST injector after 9 years of trying everyone! Smooches, lover!

  19. Unknown says:

    Has Matt ever tried physical therapy. It's non invasive and may prevent surgery or further injury in the future.

  20. Nat says:

    Pretty much all my girlfriends use botox 😉 I still haven't done it but I'm thinking if I don't decide for baby #3 then I'm all over it. They all get it done from a dermatologist we're friends with and she has found nothing wrong with it, even in younger women. Plus it can last from a year to 18 months for someone in their 30s. I found some frames at Target recently that are specifically made for kids artwork and you can open them and change the art out easily. I feel the same way about my kids lately. It's going by too fast.

  21. Anna says:

    Hi Natalie:
    Your blog is the best. For breakfast, I've been making Daily Harvest smoothies. They are amazing!

  22. 5 days without a hair wash is a long time girl – HA!!!I I'm really bad & usually just have some kind of bar for breakfast. ain't nobody got time for that. I've been getting Botox for several years. I like it – it's preventative, right?! LOVE Blake & Gwen – why all the haters out there? I get anxiety when I am away from my daughter, so I am glad to know that I am not alone!

  23. Christina says:

    oh god juvaderm is the shit. girl if you want to talk about injections call me hahah

  24. Botox is awesome if the right person does it. I highly recommend dr kulbursh in Charlotte at Carolina plastics. He trained under Paul Nassif in Beverly Hills. Also I have stopped eating meat and gained weight and it's because I'm eating more dairy and more carbs/grains. I feel better when I have more protein in my diet so I've been upping my egg and nut intake – everyone has to do what's right for them so you may just need a little more protein (even Meat) in your diet ! I rotate avocado toast and peanut butter honey toast for breakfast. It's easy and not too much first thing in the morning!

  25. Natalie have you watched Ladies of London ( Monday nights on Bravo)?! It's sooooo good and I promise will fill that Bachelor void ( I feel it too!!). You may need to go back and catch up online but I think you will totally love it!!

  26. kimm atwood says:

    I love this post! And I'm petrified of needles…I've decided I'm just going to age and yup one day I'm sure I'll be all wrinkly.

  27. SCBlount says:

    I am so addicted to this for breakfast: some form of whole wheat or sprouted grain toast/english muffin/ezekiel bread; top with avocado slices; then top with 2 fried egg whites (I do one half on each piece of a whole wheat english muffin) fried in a little tiny bit of coconut oil. Sprinkle a pinch of shredded parmesan/asiago/reggiano – whatever you like best – ontop of eggs at the last minute they are frying up so it melts. Then sprinkle pepper and a little of the Trader Joe's Himalayan salt with truffle on top of eggs & avocado. You can also get the truffle olive oil and fry your egg in a little of that instead of using the salt. Seriously though, a little truffle action first thing in the morning is just so decadent and has got me completely addicted! Its the first breakfast thing I have ever found that I want to eat every day and it keeps me full soon long. In other news….do the botox. Just like someone else said, if you don't like it, you don't have to do it again. I am terrified of needles (like fainted every time I had blood drawn when I was pregnant) and the pain factor is zero. You can't feel it at all. I don't know how, but seriously.