I think last year we all rolled into 2021 thinking thank goodness 2020 is over and having high expectations for 2021. Then 2021 turned out to be another weird year filled with the same worries, still dealing with Covid- new variants now, vaccines, now a booster, masks required again the list goes on. Kids were back at school and we tried to maintain some sense of normalcy but it wasn’t normal. It wasn’t a bad year we had plenty of good times and made special memories but life just still felt uncertain and weird. As someone who struggles with anxiety uncertainty is really hard for me. We made it through 2021 but as we enter into 2022 I don’t have the same zest and ambition for a new year that I typically do. I heard someone say they are tip toeing into 2022 and that is exactly how I feel. I am cautious but hopeful of what this year will bring us. I also know if I put my full trust in God and lay my worries on him that is the right way to go into this year, trusting him and his plan.
I do have some goals and changes I want to make in the New Year and wanted to share those.
My main goal this year is to live outside of my comfort zone. I often get in a rut and don’t step outside the box and try new things. I want to say yes more to things that scare me. I have turned down work projects, events, trips all because they made me uncomfortable and I want to be better about doing things that scare me a little. A quote I am holding onto this year is ” It is only after you step outside of your comfort zone that you begin to change, grow and transform.”
Taking better care of my body. Today we are staring our second Prolon cleanse. I typically don’t do diets or dry January because I feel like January is depressing enough-haha. This year however we decided we wanted a reset and this first week would be a good time to make some changes and keep ourselves accountable. We will do the Prolon Cleanse for 5 days and then after that an additional 5 days with no alcohol is our plan. I think it will be a great. reset for our appetites and drinking. Not an entire month, just 10 days and I think will give us a boost to feel better and hopefully make my jeans a little less snug.
Morning Devotionals. I used to read my devotionals at night but this year I am changing that and I will be reading them in the morning. I think it is a great way to start your day and get your mindset right for the day. These are the 3 I am reading, I really love them all and they speak to me in different ways. This is my third year reading The Daily Stoic again, my second year of Daily Mantras and the Hope devotional is new a gift from my mom this Christmas.
The Daily Stoic | Daily Mantras | Hope Devotional

I have said this the last two years and this also ties into to stepping out of my comfort zone but I want to write my cookbook. I keep getting caught up of the logistics of making it happen and then get scared It will be a flop but I want to push myself to complete this!
I want to spend more time volunteering and. donating. I donate often throughout the year but want to do more of that.
I want to practice being less distracted when I am with my kids.
I want to read more
I want to cook and eat more plant based meals. Over the holidays I ate a cheeseburger and it felt like a pound of bricks in my stomach. Red meat just doesn’t settle well with me. I always feel best when I eat mainly vegetables and fish. So stay tuned for more plant based recipes.
I want to journal. Realistically I will not do this everyday but I want to start with the intentions of doing it a few times a week. I think writing down what is on my mind and things I am thankful for will in turn help my anxiety.
More Yoga. As I enter into my 40s my body has constantly felt tight and sore I think yoga will help immensely with this.
Lastly, I have a new website coming hopefully in March. I started this last year and the person basically just stopped working so I have now hired someone else and I am so excited. My recipes will be organized better and the whole site will be sleeker and easier to navigate!
Happy 2022 I hope it is a great year for us all!
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