Hi Friends! I’m Natalie Mason. I live in Charleston, SC and I am mom to Sterling 12 , Frances Moon 8 and our mini golden doodle Dolly.



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Green Smoothie + Ninja

Dec 5, 2011

While I was home my mom’s friend Ruth let us borrow her Ninja Blender to try out. I want a juicer for Christmas and she wanted us to see how this works. It is not a juicer but it will puree anything. It was pretty amazing. It has six blades in it so you can fill it to the brim and it chops it all, unlike my current blender! The Ninja worked wonderfully. Apparently it also can be used as a food processor and to make bread. I highly recommend!

I decided to try out a recipe for a Green Smoothie I found on pinterest ( big surprise right? I’m addicted to that site).

Frozen Peaches
Frozen Mangoes
Fresh Spinach

The smoothie was delish and tasted so healthy. It just might become a morning standard in my house. Sterling also loved it which is great because I am having a hard time getting him to eat veggies these days! At least I know he’s getting a green veggie when he drinks this! Next time I might add a few pineapples for added sweetness. Anyone have any other great green smoothie recipes? Please do share!

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  1. I have a juicer and love it, but it doesn't do leafy greens that well. I still try. In the juicer I combine 6 carrots and two gala apples…a great spin on regular apple juice. For a smoothie, I combine ice, almond milk, two handfuls of spinach, a banana, a tablespoon of peanut butter, and sometimes a shot of coffee. Yum!

  2. Jill says:

    This is a great idea for me. I am trying to get my kids to eat better!!

    let me know if you get any other great recipes, the one from Liz sounds delish!!

  3. MegMcD says:

    I have a Breville juicer and LOVE it – make juice at least once a day (cucumber, green apple & celery) – Yum!

    Similar to Liz's recipe, I also make a smoothie from frozen banana, fresh spinach, almond milk, flax seeds & almond butter.

  4. Alicia xoxxo says:

    That smoothie sounds yummy! A juicer would be a fun gift for Christmas!

  5. My husband and I go on juicing kicks too. I love a good juice!

  6. Ooo the Ninja looks cool! And I've heard so much about the green smoothies, but haven't tried them myself. Looks delish!

  7. SADBBLOG says:

    yummy idea! We make lots of those here, I'll have to try your fruit and veggie combo!


  8. Val says:

    I love juicing and I heart this flavor combos.

  9. Bud and Leo says:

    Lisa and I both have Super Food shakes every morning. It's nice because you get a full dose of your fruits and veggies for the day. We mix a scoop with almond milk, frozen berries and a banana. I also like to add in some whey protein to hold me over a little longer. Kelli

  10. Erin says:

    We swear by spinach smoothies in the morning! They're the best!

  11. yumm!!! i'll have to try this!

  12. alicia says:

    smoothie looks amazing!

  13. this actually looks really good girl! And the pineapple sounds delish!

  14. oh and finally reading on my desktop not phone, like the new polished look!

  15. The Hawkins says:

    Smoothies are a regular in our house! I use one low fat yogurt, 1 banana, frozen strawberries or mixed berries, and a scoop of vanilla protein powder (pure protein brand because it is very low in sugar. Yum yum!