I have been wanting to paint my front door black forever. All these images I saved were my inspiration for my latest nap time project.
Black interior door are perfection, right?? In keeping with my New Years Goals to accomplish a house project every month, I tackled this one last week. It was a super quick project. Many of the sites I read said to prime the door first but I skipped that step (call me lazy) and honestly it turned out just fine. I don’t think it made a difference at all. I used Sherwin Williams High Gloss Black and it took me three coats of paint. It is important to let each layer dry before you apply the next layer or you will have streak marks. The paint dried pretty fast, I think I waited about an hour between each coat. I could not be more pleased with the results!
The high gloss black made a world of difference!
Here is a view of the before and after:
(side note the trim around the door needs to be repainted white- hence why it looks dingy)
Next up I want a fancy brass animal door knocker for the front of the door. I love Nancy’s from Marcus Design.
I am also thinking about painting our bathroom cabinets high gloss black. I just repainted the walls yesterday and I think high gloss black would look amazing with the new wall color. What is everyone’s thoughts on black bathroom cabinets?? My mom was not completely sold on the idea but I still am digging it. This image I found on Pinterst is what inspired me. I love the black paint and sleek hardware.
And here is our bathroom. Thoughts on the black paint? My only worry is I might get tired of it. My other option is a fresh coat of high gloss white and of course new knobs and pulls. And a new shower curtain, I am so over the giant monogram. It was a wedding gift so it is a good 5 years old, time for something new!
Lastly, I am guest posting today over at Carmel’s fabulous blog Our Fifth House, sharing my 7 Wardrobe Essentials! Please head over and check out my post HERE! If you don’t already read Carmel’s blog you should, she is such a sweetheart with a great eye for design!
I say paint it black!
I, too, am dying to paint the interior of our front door black! It is currently white and the outside of the door is black. And I have a brass lion head door knocker (similar to the one you have posted on here) that I got at an antiques shop 10 years ago. It was my first purchase for our new house! Your door looks great in that high gloss – I'm impressed you did it yourself! I say go for it in the bathroom, too!
I, too, am dying to paint the interior of our front door black! It is currently white and the outside of the door is black. And I have a brass lion head door knocker (similar to the one you have posted on here) that I got at an antiques shop 10 years ago. It was my first purchase for our new house! Your door looks great in that high gloss – I'm impressed you did it yourself! I say go for it in the bathroom, too!
Love the door, great job! Painting our door black is on my wish list also… Not sure the hubs will be on board. Sigh. Bathroom would look very classy black with sleek hardware, my only Condren would be would it make the room seem small?
I've been looking for a lion door knocker ever since I walked around Charelston. Love the look!
Love your door black now, Nat.
Loved the guest post! The door looks awesome! I say go for the black cabinets! I would prime them with Killz since you will open and close them often. You would hate for it to start peeling off. I love black and kelly green together….
That door is fantastic. I really like it! I painted our kitchen cabinets high gloss black, and couldn't be happier!! I say do it.
LOVE the black door. You know I love it. We've got a lionshead knocker on our storm door that I plan to take with us!
Our bathroom cabinets are black…so of course I say go for it! I really like the contrast it gives with the white tile–more modern and sophisticated, or so I think
That looks amazing! I think the cabinets will look great black.
I think the black will look great in your bathroom! Love the door too!
This is unrelated to your post today, but I just got the Rachel Pally maxi in Pink (similar to the navy/white) striped one you posted earlier this week, and I wanted to tell you that you MUST buy it!!
I ordered a small (but probably could have fit into the XS) and it is sooooooooo long!!! I am basically 5'11" and I put 4.5" heels on with the dress last night and it was still dragging on the floor!! I was in total bliss for finally finding a maxi that I can wear heels with.
So, that being said — please buy it now (if you haven't already!) You won't be disappointed.
Your door looks so great in black! I painted mine last year and now it has me itching to paint all of our doors black. Thanks so much for guest posting – I love your essentials!
Love it! My door is about to get a black interior makeover as well!
Definitely paint the bathroom cabinets! They'd look great!
Paint the cabinets black! I think that would look great.
When we redid our master bath I got a black floating vanity and I painted the half bath cabinet black after hating it's cream color for years! Actually, I had the front doors painted black, the bannister, the bookshelves… Maybe I need to stop!
I ordered our Lion's Head knocker from an NC company, Mayer Mill Brass. I just e-mailed them my order, and they shipped it out really quickly! I got the small one. Here's the link!
those black doors are so chic! love it! xo
Yes, paint the bathroom cabinet black! I think the contrast would look awesome!
Just painted the outside of my front doors black and have had the inside on my list for oh…about a year.;) so many ideas so little time, right! your door looks great!
Looks so good! I think your bathroom would look great with the high gloss white OR the black, but I say go for the black. You can always repaint it if you get tired of it.
Oh paint it black no doubt!
We've got black cabinets in the bathroom and I love them.
Now I want to go paint our door black too! That looks great and I love your blog post over at Our Fifth House. I'm glad you added the Spanx slip! We sell them at my boutique, Sugar, in Greenwood SC and I have told customers over and over again how fabulous they are. I just shared the blog post on our Facebook page so they could see what stylish mom bloggers were raving over them. Maybe you'll get new followers heading your way. Love your blog!
-Sandi http://www.scsugar.com
I think the black door looks amazing!! And would totally work in your bathroom too! I might need to do that to our door. Love.
LOVE the door…I did that in our last home! I am currently working on our bathroom cabinets, too. I am trying BM"s Kendall Charcoal in the smaller bathroom, but I kind of want to get a sample of Sherwin William's Urbane Bronze, too. Both are dark and have that gorgeous look, but without being as start as black. I can't wait to see what you do. I will try to send you a pic when I am done with mine…hopefully next week:)
"stark" not start:)
Our bathroom vanities are old and need some major updating but since I'm on a budget I need to paint them instead of ripping them out. Since we have beige-ish color countertops I decided black was the color I was going for! I haven't pulled the trigger yet- I'm trying to get my husband on board but I think it would look awesome in a bathroom.
I painted my interior doors black last summer and love them! I skipped the priming part, too, and no problems so far. Paint that bathroom! It'll look good!
Definitely paint your door black. So sleek and …chic! Look at that, I rhymed
The black cabinets would look good too, but you're right, you might get tired of it. It would definitely be low maintenance for cleaning!!
I think it would look awesome painted black! Go for it!
I so love how the door came out. I've been thinking about painting ours since I saw yours on IG…do you think it darkened your hallway? That's my old holdup. Our hallway gets basically no natural light and I wonder if it will make it look like a cave.
Fun seeing you and Sterling today!!!! I love that you painted your front door black!! All of our doors are high gloss black in our house and I love the way it looks!!! You will never tire of that change! As for the bathroom I am kind of partial to all white with new hardware. Although, have you looked at Jenny's recent post on Little Green Notebook? She just painted her cabinets black in a tiny bathroom and it looks really good! Good luck!!!
I keep staring at my door but I am afraid to pull the trigger!!! Ahhh! I think black on the bathroom cabinets would be awesome. Super striking. Can lighten things up with pretty details and shiny hardware. xxo
I love the new black door!!
And I think black could be great in the bathroom if you added some fancy knobs and put some pops of color or light elements in the room to balance it!
Two things…have you seen littlegreennotebook.com…she just redid a bathroom with black and it was great. So, check that out. Also, Michael Healy has some fantastic door knockers. I love his clam shell and where I am from the horseshoe crab would be very appropriate. The Starfish, nantucket basket and lobster are also very popular. Just food for thought
Love the door, and I vote for painting the cabinets black, go go go for it, it's going to look fantastic!
First, love the black door. This has been on our to-do list ever since we moved in. Glad to hear it is a pretty simple project. Second, I definitely think you should paint the cabinets!
I say paint it BLACK!!! I think it would like so pretty in your bathroom especially with new shiny gold hardware! And I absolutely LOVE black front doors, you did a great job!!
I painted our guest bath cabinets black and I LOVE them! Do it!!
I love your painted front door. It looks great!! We painted our cabinets a very dark mocha/nearly black color and I love them. They look great with the pale blue/grey wall color. I say go for it! Heading over to check out your guest post now.
I say hell yes on the high gloss black on the bathroom vanity! It looks amazing on the front door, it will look amazing in there, too. We painted the vanity in our bathroom a dark charcoal gray and LOVED it every single day. Go for it!