In honor of Mother’s Day being Sunday I wanted to share this awesome article I read. So many things I want to remember to teach Sterling on character and how to be a good, kind, and giving person. I think even us adults can learn from it (heck I know I did).
As I celebrate my third Mother’s Day this year, I am thankful everyday that God gave me the opportunity to become a mother. It is by far the best thing I have ever done with my life. It has fulfilled me in ways I never knew possible and taught me to love unconditionally. It has brought a love so powerful into my life it sometimes moves me to tears. It has given my life a new purpose and taught me to be selfless and that the world does not indeed revolve around me. Sterling is the light of my life and I am so darn proud to be his mother. It is not easy and all you Mothers know that. We have the toughest job in the world that most days goes unappreciated. So to all you Moms and especially to my Mom, Happy Mothers Day you deserve a day dedicated to you. Now its time to drink wine while the dads watch the kids (haha- if only that were true in my house).
Now on to the article. This is the list that a woman made for her sons of life lessons she deemed important. I have to say I totally agree. The author has asked me to remove the article from my blog, but you can read her article via.
Matt if you are reading (and I know you check my blog daily, pay attention to number 37).
And I could not resist sharing this picture of Sterling. This is what I say yesterday when I checked on him napping. Seems he has decided diapers are no longer necessary. Such a typical man wanting to let it all hang out. It was pretty darn funny but warmed my heart at the same time. He just looked so innocent and sweet napping. Could not love him more!
oh man, now I feel totatlly superficial on my post about mother's day. ha! oh well! I had waaaay too long of a day yesterday and night last night to be thoughtful this morning! LOVE LOVE LOVE this list!
How lucky Sterling is to have such an INCREDIBLE mama! I hope you have a WONDERFUL Mother's Day weekend friend!
This is a great list!!! It brought tears to my eyes. I may have to copy it and save it for Owen. You are such a great momma and Sterling is a very lucky little boy to have you!!! I hope you have a fab Mothers Day and get totally spoiled!!! You deserve it!!!
Love your babe! Hes adorable! Happy Mother's Day!
Aw very cute post! What a funny pic too! lol
Happy Happy Mother's Day. The list is great for you children to remember but I also think I need to remember them more myself! Have a great weekend!
Oh so sweet! I love the picture of Sterling curled up. Happy Mother's Day!
Some of those items made me get all teary. You're right – it is a tough job, but so stinkin rewarding at the same time. I just find it amazing that a simple little drooly kiss can erase hours of frustration and unruliness. Happy Happy Mother's Day Dear!
Loved the post but I would be so hesitant to put that picture of your baby on the Internet…too many creeps out there.
wow. love that list, grateful for a mom who taught me so many of things. now to keep it in my file of when I become a mama.
He is absolutely adorable. I love your list. Have a wonderful Mother's Day; you deserve it!
I love this Natalie. You're a good Momma! Sterling is lucky little man to have you. I hope you enjoy your weekend of pampering! xx
Beautiful and that photo is priceless.
Happy Mother's Day!
I loved all of those! so true – and reminders I still need sometimes! Happy Mothers Day Natalie! Hope you have a great weekend
Natalie, this is such a wonderful post. Warmed my heart. You are such a great momma. I hope you have the best Mother's Day weekend.
So, so sweet, Natalie! I love your thoughts and I *super* love the "lettin' it all hang out" pic of Sterling! You're so right, typical man! (c; Happy Mother's Day, lady!
Ah! The picture is too funny!!
You are a wonderful mama. Sterling is so lucky!
What a sweet post, friend
You're a good mommy Natalie, sweet post!