This week started off like it normally does a whirlwind. Trying to take care of the kids and get everyone fed and ready. Sterling was being difficult arguing about what he was going to wear to school, he is so darn opinionated all the time. I felt myself getting annoyed thinking why is everything a battle him.
Then while I was home feeding Frances I was looking on my phone and read about Ryan, his mom is a blogger and writes the blog baby boy bakery. Now I don’t know this family and have never read her blog but this story hit close to home. Ryan was outside playing and ran in the street to catch a Frisbee and was hit by a truck and killed. It struck me that this could happen to any of our kids. I was looking at Ryan’s pictures and he reminded me so much of Sterling, so full of personality and life and that life was tragically taken away. I cried sitting there thinking about how petty it was of me to be annoyed with Sterling about getting dressed in the morning. I cried for that sweet family and the unimaginable loss of their son. I can’t even begin to imagine the pain they are feeling. Then I read about two more sweet boys who passed away this week. Then just this morning I learned that our friends in Charlotte whose daughter had been battling leukemia passed away yesterday. My heart is so heavy thinking of the loss of those children. Children are just not supposed to die before their parents. Life can be so hard and unfair sometimes.
It has really made me stop and think about how short life can be. It has made me hug my kids a little tighter, and cherish every moment with them. We all face struggles everyday and in the moment they seem real and hard but they are nothing compared to what these families are going through. I am trying to have more patience with my kids especially Sterling because he is 4 going on 15. He is such a smart mouthed boss these days and as much as it exhausts me, you know what, I love that about him too. He is so strong willed and certain it will serve him well later in life. I forget that he is only 4 sometimes. I walked into this scene last week and it literally melted my heart. He has such a sweet soul and I want to savor these moments.
and Frances is growing up faster than I imagined. With the second child it just whirls by. I can’t believe she is 5 months, I know her one year birthday will be here before I know it. I think about the struggle it took for me to conceive her and I am so grateful for her and my heart aches for others going through the same struggle. I got my baby but some women can’t get pregnant or lose their babies. I feel sad just thinking about that struggle when you so desperately want a child. Frances has the sweetest personality, she is always smiling and so laid back. I am so thankful for her sweet light filled soul.
Yesterday this elderly woman walked past us in the grocery store, Sterling was hitting Frances and I was trying to get my groceries as quickly as possible. I was on the verge of tears because I was tired and my patience was running out and we still had two more errands to run. She stopped me and said I remember those days well, they seem tough but you will look back and think they are the best days of your life. The thing is I know she is right, it is just sometimes hard to enjoy it when you are in the thick of it. In light of all the events I read about this week I want to try hard and not be stressed out and enjoy these years. I am lucky to have these children in my life.
Today I am praying hard for all these families and the unimaginable loss and void they are filling in their lives. I ask you all to do the same. Prayer helps comfort in times like this. I am also working hard to be in the moment with my children and not be consumed by my to-do list. I just want to love them and be present with them. I am also thanking God for my healthy babies, when so many others have such uphill battles right now. I know this is a somber post for Friday but I want to acknowledge the loss of these families. It just isn’t fair. Lets be there for them in their darkest moments.
Please keep all these families in your prayers right now as they are going through the unimaginable.
So I held it together until I read the last quote and now I'm crying. It literally pains my heart to hear of any children who are suffering or have died. I'm going to remember this post especially at 11:15 today when I go in for highlights with a 2 year old and a 3 year old literally at my feet. Circumstances beyond my control have them with me this morning and I'm not cancelling my appointment. I'm going to look forward to the "adventure" and funny questions they'll ask now. And bring my stylist friend some wine of course
Every time we leave the house, I think about that sweet boy getting hit. I have talked to Ivey about safety in the road so many times this week. It's such a heartbreaking tragedy. Another little boy lost his battle with a brain tumor this week. He lived in Mt. Pleasant. We have to hold these babies tight. There are no guarantees.
My heart aches and breaks so bad for these families. I just can't imagine!! As hard as it sometimes and as easy as we let the little things stress us out, you hear these stories and they seem like nothing at all. I love you girl and your big heart!! Saying a prayer for the families today, and hugging my little ones a little tighter!!
Very well said Natalie! I went to high school with Josh and I am saying lots of prayers for Josh, Barb and little Will this morning and always. Children should not be taken away from their parents. I can't imagine anything worse as a mom. Hug and kiss your babies extra long this morning for Libby! xoxo
When I heard about Ryan a couple days ago I went to his Mom's IG account and was so confused. Literally days earlier she had posted a sweet picture of him running through Disneyland. Begging God to send a peace that passes understanding is the only thing I can think of to pray for this family.
Just this morning I was having some of these very same thoughts. I was overwhelmed and upset about things going on in my life and then I thought " My family is healthy and we love each other. We have a roof over our heads and we have jobs. Everything is ok." Now, reading your post, it's just a bigger reminder. Life is such a blessing. As far as Sterling is concerned, I made a decision at the begining of this school year: As long as my little girl (6 yrs.) is clean and has clothes on her body, I don't argue about what she wears. She understands that we have to wear certain clothes to church, but school is her say so. Sometimes I cringe, but she is happy and proud of herself and my mornings are better. It works for us.
As always, thanks for sharing your thoughts and the pics of your beautiful children. Have a great weekend!
I just can't stop thinking about that little boy, Ryan. It's just terrible! And looking at her IG feed, he was just a beautiful boy. Thanks for the great reminders. My 4 year old has been pretty bad since turning 4 and I find myself getting very annoyed with him. I think it has to do with the more attention the baby is getting. But it does go by so fast and everything is just a phase. I applaud you for going to the grocery store with two, I haven't done it yet! I am scared! Sorry for the lose of your friends little girl. I will definitely keep all these families in my prayers.
Never commented before but I love your blog, Natalie. You care so much and mix fun slices of life with heartfelt honest revelations that really resonate. Keep it up!
Incredible reminders my friend! I needed this post! Thank you!!!
I fussed at the twins so many times while picking up a few groceries yesterday. I even got a few looks from other people. Oh well. I need to remind myself daily how lucky I am to have three healthy kiddos. It (sickness) could happen to any if us! Life changes in a flash! Happy Mother's Day to mt favorite blogger, Natalie!!
Dagger to the heart! Keeping those families in my prayers. My 3 1/2 year drives me bananas about 80% of the day. It's hard. Especially when you're just trying to keep them safe. The other night at a charity event these kids were singing "You're going to miss me when I'm gone," which happened to be the last song the little boy who lost his life in the Kansas City JCC shootings sang to his mom. I totally lost it and had to excuse myself! The hardest part of being a mom is balancing the deep gratitude you have for being a mom with the everyday battles we fight over clothes, what to eat and when to go to bed. Thanks for this!
Thanks Natalie! This made me tear up… it is hard being a mommy, harder than anyone could ever prepare you for. You are right, it is soooo hard to cherish these moments when all you can think about is your screaming baby, or how tired you are, or about how many house chores you need to get done. We are soo blessed to have these sweet babies in our life. Thank you for reminding me of that today. Have a great weekend!
GREAT post. That poor family. I was annoyed with Keira this morning b/c she wanted me to go back home and get her shoes for school (she only had rain boots). I was so crabby I made her cry. I got her shoes and felt terrible for upsetting her. Life is short. Our children are precious. We need this reminder.
Thanks for this great post. I have a 7 week old baby girl, and it can all feel so hard and overwhelming at times. But I have to remind myself how blessed I am. If my worst problem is a baby who cries at night, then damn do I have it good. Thanks for the reminder! Going to go cuddle my sweet girl now. We can worry about sleep training and setting schedules another day
Crying….this hurts my heart so much that these families lost their babies. I can not even imagine. I just can't. I try hard to not let stress and worry take away life's simple joys. I think we all should hold our kids a little bit tighter this weekend. Prayers for these families…..
What an amazing post.
Thank you for sharing this. I pray for the families that have lost their babies. I have a 4 yr. old and a 10 mth. old and things get so crazy around here, I feel like I'm working in circles sometimes. I try to keep in mind that my actions are very influential into the development of my kids and what type of adults they grow up to be…no stress there! lol So I try and be mindful of yelling, telling them "Not now, hurry up, I'm busy, etc". And just take time to enjoy them at this point in their life. This is all a DAILY struggle. But this time just does go by so fast! We will never have yesterday again with them! This is the hardest parent I think of being a parent. So today I will too be praying for those families, and the Mothers…dame it, no Mother should ever feel this pain. I'm just so sorry for them. God bless you all today, and every day. With a heavy heart, I'm going to try and make it a good day. xo
Beautiful post! Brought tears to my eyes! Your babies are so precious and reading this really made me put everything into perspective! Have an amazing weekend with your family.
Never comment but had to for this one. GREAT post!!! Happy Mother's Day!
I read about that little boy Ryan too and it just broke my heart!!
These are the best days of our lives!!
These tragedies are just so hard to take. There is such a comfort in prayer. I hope you have a lovely Mother's Day.
Read your post right before I went out to attend my daughter's Author's Tea at school and had to come back to comment. The whole time I was there I kept thinking how life can completely change in the blink of an eye and how lucky we are for every day we have with our loved ones. My heart breaks for these families. The family of the little boy in MTP that passed away lives in our neighborhood. It's just so unbelievably sad. I'm definitely holding my kids a little tighter these days.
Natalie, so very true! Praying for all of these families, as well as the family of 8 year old Ethen Richardson from Mt Pleasant that died this week as well. He went to my boys' school. Really puts life in perspective. I lost my sister to a car accident when she was 15 and her death has changed my outlook on how I live my life. I constantly need reminders not to sweat the small stuff though. Thanks for this. Sharing your last image if you don't mind because it's so very true. Happy Mother's Day!
a beautiful post.. I agree with julia..that las tquote got to me! you are a good mom!
Love this post & love your blog. I love how you keep it real that you get frustrated w your kids etc. Some of the blogs/ IGs I follow make it seem like life is perfect and their kids never fight/ they never yell at them etc. Your posts are so refreshing and relatable. Keep up the good work. Happy Mother's Day & God bless the families who are in pain…
I've been going through the same thing this week. A friend I went to school with for years lost her 3 month old son after a 2 day mysterious illness last weekend. They had to make the painful decision to take him off life support. My almost 2 year old has been driving me CRAZY lately, but I definitely had to change my perspective and just hold her close this week and appreciate her big personality rather than seeing it as her trying to make me nuts. (She can't be that smart yet, can she? ;-))
Beautiful post with lots of encouragement.
I feel the same way…my heart has been so heavy all week for all of the tragedy that seems to be happening in the world around us! Sometimes it's hard to be thankful for everything we have and for all of our blessings. XoXo
You've brought tears to my eyes. I'm so grateful to know you and to have read this–your take on life and accepting it for all the beauty it is (ups and downs) is truly inspiring. xo
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that loss is unimaginable. truly. We are so blessed to have healthy, happy kids…even when they drive us bat shit crazy. Love seeing Frances in that hand me down, it's too cute on her!
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