Each year I select a few books for my morning readings. After I read the book Atomic Habits I started stacking habits and it has made a huge difference. In the morning is when I do most of my habit stacking. My morning routine looks like this : 5:45 wakeup, tongue scrap +brush teeth, get dressed, make bed, make Frances Moon’s lunch and my hot lemon water, sit down and do my readings while Frances gets ready, put on eye patches or face mask, drink lemon water + AG1 while I run carpool, then the gym. All of these things have become non-negotiables for me.
For my morning readings I try and choose books with short excerpts or chapters. Most of these books just have one page I read. It never takes more than 10 minutes. It such a great way to start my day and get my head in the right place. Book wise I always like to have one devotional and then I choose other inspiring and motivations books.
My line up for 2024 is:
The Book of Awakening– I was listening to a podcast and now I can’t remember who suggested this book but they said it was incredible. This book is dated and has one passage for everyday of the year. It also has meditation exercises for each passage.
Radiate– This is my devotional for the year, it is short and not dated so I will most likely get a second one when I finish this one. This has a bible verse, passage and prayer which I love. I just adore Cleere, if you don’t follow her on instagram you should. She shares wonderful prayers and devotionals daily.
The Way Forward– I started following Young Pueblo on instagram as well and that lead me to his book. His book is not dated, it is more short thoughts. Basically a paragraph or two on each page, amazing messages always that hit me hard.
The Language of Letting Go– I have very co-dependent tendencies so that is why I started this book. I started it last year and I am carrying it into this year. I think it is great for anyone in a relationship or dealing with relationship issues. It also is dated and has a passage for each day.
The Pivot Year– So far this is my favorite out of the bunch. It is really so inspiring. It has 365 passages to lead you on your pivot year.

If you want to see what I read last year you can view my post HERE.
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