Hi Friends! I’m Natalie Mason. I live in Charleston, SC and I am mom to Sterling 12 , Frances Moon 8 and our mini golden doodle Dolly.



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My Top Ten Favorites Wines Under $15

Apr 12, 2013

I think you all know I am a wine lover.  I drink a glass almost every night.  It helps me unwind after a long day.  Right now I have been in a major white mood but I also love red- I am equal opportunist when it comes to wine.  The only wine I won’t touch is sweet wine- I can’t stand Rieslings and Moscatos. 

 I don’t think you need to spend a ton of money on a bottle of wine.  As fast as I go thru a bottle I hate to spend alot of money.  Don’t get me wrong some cheap bottles are nasty, real nasty.  In my old age I have gotten picky about wine.  It used to be I would drink any alcohol that was handed to me, but now I would rather not have a glass if it is cheapo wine.  I swear the hangovers are worse from the really cheap ones- I will never drink two buck chuck again and I hate Rex Golith, I also dislike Yellow Tail and Barefoot Brands. 

But there are some amazing wines out there all for under $15.  Here are my top picks.
If you have any wines you love please share with me, I am always looking for new wines to try and add to my rotation!
Have a great weekend!

:: F O X G L O V E   C H A R D O N N A Y ::

This is one of my all time favorite Chardonnays.  I had it at a bridal shower and stalked the server to find out what type of wine it was.  It is the perfect Chardonnay.  Retails for about $13.50

::  S A I N T   B R I S   S A U V I G N O N   B L A N C ::

This is a wonderful Sauvignon Blanc.  So crisp and refreshing.  Retails for $11.99.  In Charlotte they sell it at Reids- not sure where to find it here.

:: C L O U D   B R E A K   P I N O T  N O I R ::

In all honestly all the Cloud Break wines are good.  I love the Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc as well.  I chose the red for this list because I feel like cheap good bottles of red are harder to come by than cheap whites.  I blind tasted this pinot at my parents and thought it was one of their expensive bottles.  It is so smooth.  They carry this at Total Wine and it sells for $8.99

::  B R  C O H E N   C A B E R N E T  S A U V I G N O N::

I have recently really gotten into cabs.  I used to be a big Pinot girl, but now I love a good cab.  This is one of my favorites.  It retails for $14.99 at Cotsco.

::  C U P C A K E   P R O S E C C O ::

For the price you can’t beat the Cupcake line.  I love their Sauvignon Blanc  and Chardonnay as well.  This Prosecco is really good, retails for $11.99.

:: J O E L  G O T T   S A U V I G N O N   B L A N C ::
Another great Sauvignon Blanc.  If you can find this at Target or Walmart it is cheaper there.  Usually retails for $11.99.

::  B U T T E R N U T   C H A R D O N N A Y ::
I found this at Costco and buy it everytime I am there if it is in stock.  It is a delicious Chardonnay.  Retails for $13.99 at Costco.

:: T R A D E R  J O E S  G R A N D   R E S E R V E  P I N O T  N O I R ::
I just tried this for the first time while I was home last week.  My parents bought several bottles of it from Trader Joes they loved it so much.  It was a perfect pinot.  Retails for $9.99

::  F E R R A R I   C A R A N O   F U M E  B L A N C ::
For any novices Fume Blanc is basically the same thing as Sauvignon Blanc.  This one is light, crisp and not too sweet.  A little dryer than a regular Sauvignon Blanc.  I usually buy mine at Costco, retails for $11.99 there.

::  C O U R T N E Y  B E N H A M   L U C C A   R E D   W I N E ::
This is a red wine blend that one of the workers at Total Wine recommended to me.  It was excellent.  Retails for $12.99

Leave a Reply

  1. You know I love this post! I love a good Fume Blanc! I will have to check that one out! Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Always love a good wine post! Happy Weekend my friend!

  3. I always love the cupcake Prosecco. I see a good bottle of Sauvignon Blanc I would love to try. Hope its a good departure from my fave Kim Crawford SB.

  4. Ally Harding says:

    I love Cupcake! Can't wait to try the others! Also did you see your girl Gwyneth on Dr.Oz yesterday?

  5. I will have to try the butternut- I think we have similar tastes in wine! Love this post.

  6. Julie says:

    Trader Joe's sells a Green Fin table white & red blend that are both pretty good for a great price ($4)

  7. You should check out MyWineDeal.com! They carry a lot of small vineyard and small distributer wine that you won't find in your local liquor store. You can find some great wines that usually cost more than $15 retail but are under $15 on the site.

  8. Diane says:

    Perfect timing! My husband and I are going wine shopping today! Thanks for the tips!

  9. Melissa W. says:

    Great post! I get an itch to drink wine every now and then. Yesterday was one of those days. The problem, I get overwhelmed by all of the choices! So, thank you for narrowing down a list for me! I know I see that Cupcake brand in Publix and Target.

    Have a great weekend! Nice day, huh!?!

  10. You have to try Broadbent Vinho Verde. It is a crisp white, almost sparkling but not sweet. It is like candy. So, so good.

  11. rachel says:

    You turned me onto Cupcake Prosecco last summer, and it has been a favorite ever since! Will have to try some of these others too. Thanks!

  12. Meredith says:

    A girl after my own heart! I have very similar wine preferences! Have you ever gotten into Malbecs? We looove 'em. Almos makes a great one for about $9.99.

  13. Ann says:

    The Coppola wines are terrific. My personal fave is the Claret (with the gold wiring around the bottle), a great red blend of mostly Cabernet. Sometimes this retails for around $16-$17, but I've seen it on sale for $13-$14.

  14. If you like a very crisp Sauvignon Blanc, you've GOT to try Nobilo. It's around $11-12 and it knocked my socks off the first time a girlfriend ever introduced me to it at Supper Club.

  15. Unknown says:

    If you ever come across Cartlidge & Brown chaardonnay, give it a try.

  16. Unknown says:

    If you ever come across Cartlidge & Brown chardonnay, give it a try.

  17. I need to write these all down! I like the Cupcake wines too. 🙂

    I refuse to drink Yellowtail too.

  18. You have got to try Pinot Evil! (It has three little monkeys on the label) Low price point and so wonderful. I always pick up a bottle (or three) at Publix.

  19. I just picked up several bottles of the Cupcake Prosecco on sale at World Market for $7.50. However, I live in Charlotte but, check the Charleston store. Cheers!

  20. Jeanna says:

    i finally tried a Rose after realizing they are not sweet. Sofia Rose by Coppola is wonderful–$12.99. Great for summer.

  21. Val says:

    Huge fan of this post. There are a couple that I have not tried and they are officially going on my list!

  22. Natalie says:

    Yes! Will be referencing this post a lot, thanks for the suggestions!

  23. Sabrina says:

    Please try the Dave Matthews Cabernet, his vineyard is called Dreaming Tree and it is usually around $12.

  24. Laura says:

    Kim Crawford sauv blanc! About $13 at Tj's but lately I've gotten it at my Costco for 8.99. So good! Really, most New Zealand sauv Blancs (especially those from the Marlborough region) are awesome and there are lots around $10.

  25. Laura says:

    Kim Crawford sauv blanc! About $13 at Tj's but lately I've gotten it at my Costco for 8.99. So good! Really, most New Zealand sauv Blancs (especially those from the Marlborough region) are awesome and there are lots around $10.

  26. rox says:

    I second the Nobilo Sauv Blanc and Broadbent Vinho Verde suggestions! Delish!

    I also agree with the Marlborough region Sauv Blancs. Those are my FAVES. The grassier / herbier (made up word), the better!

    I'm with you. Rex Goliath and Yellowtail = BOO HISS!

  27. I love this post and will be on the hunt for some of these soon! I lived in Italy for four years and when the military moved us I brought back 100 bottles. I am down to about 20 and want to cry that I know have to find good wines here in the states for a decent price! Some from there I can find but not many. Thanks for giving me a starting point!

  28. I love this post and will be on the hunt for some of these soon! I lived in Italy for four years and when the military moved us I brought back 100 bottles. I am down to about 20 and want to cry that I know have to find good wines here in the states for a decent price! Some from there I can find but not many. Thanks for giving me a starting point!

  29. I love this post and will be on the hunt for some of these soon! I lived in Italy for four years and when the military moved us I brought back 100 bottles. I am down to about 20 and want to cry that I know have to find good wines here in the states for a decent price! Some from there I can find but not many. Thanks for giving me a starting point!

  30. My daughter saw that first picture and said this post would be perfect for me because I opened (and drank quite a lot of) a bottle of wine tonight.
    Thanks for the recommendations- I will definitely be trying some of those out!

  31. Sarah P says:

    Like you, I enjoy a glass of wine before bed. I started buying Black Box and Bota Box wines, they really are great quality at a great price!

  32. Corey Glenn says:

    While I am a fan of reds, I do love an occasional Chardonnay. Will have to try these one bottle at a time to find the right one for me. Thanks for the price list! Cheers!

    Corey @ Colonial Spirits