On this 4th of July there are so many things I am thankful for. I am beyond grateful to our troops over seas fighting so hard for our freedom and this free nation we live in. They risk their lives daily for us. For that I am forever proud and thankful for the future they are giving my son. We are so incredibly blessed and lucky to live in this wonderful country. I heart the USA.
Images via
I hope you all have a Blessed and Happy 4th of July today!
great pictures girl
have a happy 4th!
Happy 4th! I agree, we are so lucky to have our troops abroad fighting for our freedom. Love all your red, white and blue images.
Happy 4th! Love those strawberries.
Very well said! And love your pics too. Happy 4th to you and your family! xoxo
Happy 4th! Great reminder about what today is all about!
Agreed…how awesome is our land of the free and home of the brave?!?! (c: Have a happy 4th with the fam!
I LOVE all these images! Sparklers are the best, that chair is incredible, and that bathingsuit is so chic!
You win for rounding up the cutest photos. I LOVE them. And I really want that swimsuit. So darn cute. Happy fourth!
Those bread slices look soooo good! Hope you had a great weekend Natalie!