How is it Monday already?? This weekend flew by but I have to say we had a nice and relaxing weekend.
On Friday several of you asked me the source of my Ebay JCrew Necklace.
Here is the sellers page. It looks like he currently has no similar necklaces listed but I would assume he will list more. If you want to buy thru a different seller I always look for the top-rated sellers with high feedback. I am pretty obsessed with mine- wore it to church Sunday. Loving the Yellow on Yellow combo.
On Friday Sterling and I started our day at the beach. It was so hot here all weekend so I figured best to hit up the beach before the heat set in. Sterling looks like such a little frat star in this picture. He even popped his own collar.
While I was home last week my mom bought Sterling these navy boat shoes and now they are all he wants to wear. They are so cute for little boys!
Friday night we took a quick evening boat ride (aka booze cruise).
Here is my sexy Captain, so proud of his boat.
For some reason this year Sterling is terrfied of the boat. He clings to me and won’t leave my lap the whole time. Last year he loved so not sure what happened. Not that I mind the cuddling.
We managed to catch this amazing sunset.
Saturday Sterling and I hit up the Farmers Market and Glazed. It is our new tradtion to buy our produce and then get doughnuts afterwards. I am still dreaming of the Maple Bacon Doughnut.
Here is one outfit from the weekend. I may or may not have worn my Coral J Brand shorts all three days. Don’t judge, when I find something I like I wear it all the time. Proably time to wash them though….
My sister-in-law had on the Anthropologie necklace last weekend that I blogged about awhile back but never bought. After seeing her in it and how cute it looked I convinced my mom we needed one too, so she treated me while I was home. Love how it is smaller and daintier than some of my other necklaces.
{Anthro Sugar Coated Necklace}
I tried out two new recipes to come later this week:)
{Puff Pastry Goat Cheese Asparagus & Oatmeal, Chocolate Chip, Coconut Cookies}
Lastly can we discuss Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes divorcing? I am so not surprised by this. I guess they had a 5 year contract because it has been exactly 5 years since they married. I am quite certain Katie got sick of all his weird Scientology beliefs. Now Tom is playing the feel sorry for me card, acting like he had no idea she was filing divorce papers. I find that hard to believe! Matt still swears Chris Klein is Suri’s real father. So many questions….
Happpy Monday. Stay Cool looks like we are in for another hot week!
I just ordered my bubble necklace, I am super excited about it! My boys were afraid of the water at the beginning of this season too, but have gotten used to it.. Thank goodness! Oh and they really did have a 5 year contract, back in my Vegas days I had clients in "their" world that filled me in! I remember she told me to watch because in exactly 5 years they'd divorce… So many celebs get married just for publicity. It's crazy.
Ok many comments here so here it goes. One. Love the tone on tone you're rocking. Two no judgement about wearing the same thing on the weekend. I wore the same thing all weekend and forgot and went to a place twice. I was do embarrassed. Three. I need that anthro necklace. Four thank god the end of the tomkat era Is upon us!!!
Love yellow on yellow. Always one of my favorite colors. We have the same Saturday morning tradition at the Farmer's market. : ) I was just in Carmel, CA and saw that necklace in Anthro. I should have bought it. Looks great on you!
I am anxiously awaiting my yellow bubble necklace from jewelry nut. My little boy definitely goes through phases like that. One year he loves the beach and the next year he hates it. Same goes for swimming, jumpy slides etc. He will probably get better during the season. He is adorable!
love your yellow bubble necklace! and I totally agree with you about Tom and Katie – I always felt their marriage was a publicity stun from the get go! he's such a weirdo! haha
Love the yellow necklace with the yellow dress! Looks great. And I am the same way when I buy something new to wear..I wear it over and over again..and then retire it for a while. Glad yall enjoyed the hot & sunny weekend!
I love your style! I've got one of the bubble necklaces but honestly, I don't have a clue on how to wear it so I love seeing outfit posts with it. And those shorts are adorable! Can't blame you for wear them nonstop this weekend. Sterling is precious and his new shoes are tres prep.
Ok I NEED to swoop up some of these Ebay necklaces. Seriously what a steal! Also your Anthro necklace is pretty perfect, I was eyeing it yesterday. Have a great week!
I am now officially obsessed with the anthro necklace!!
I love all of your adorable outfits! And that donut?? I am dying. Need it.
That maple bacon donut looks delicious!! Cute yellow dress too!
Looks like you had an amazing weekend. Those coral shorts are adorable on you.
Love your shorts and all your necklaces! I def need to get one of the jcrew knock-off ones!
TomKat was a 5-year contract. I have a friend who has a son that is an agent in LA, and she said that Tom is definitely gay/bisexual and Katie was a "beard". I can't possibly imagine how she put up with him/that for five years. Tom is too much of a control freak. I guess it was all about the money!
Love your yellow on yellow! Perfection! I need that necklace! I found a smaller version at a boutique here last week for $22 bucks and was pretty happy about that. May have to get red or turquoise. Cant decide! The food you made looks delish! And I def think TomKat was a contract! And Sterling is too cute for words! Happy MOnday!
I love the yellow dress in the first picture! Details, please
I just want to say again I LOVE your blog! Perfect mix of everything! Had not seen Anthropology necklace…it's ordered now
Aarrggg…spell correct! Anthropologie
If you give a blog reader the source of your Jcrew-ish necklace, chances are, she's going to also want to know where your yellow dress is from. LOL Will you please share where your dress is from? Too cute!
Sterling is absolutely adorable in that picture. Love the flipped collar! The yellow dress is fantastic as well!
Who knows what happened with weird! Love your shorts and Sterling does look just like a little fratstar! Love the Anthro necklace!
Love the coral shorts and Anthro necklace! I must just have to head on over to Anthro today and check if they have it
Dang it, dang it, dang it! I was doing *SO* good resisting that Sugar Coated necklace! Now I'm going to have to cave and get it! LOVE. And the yellow on yellow is just divine!
I need to know where that yellow dress is from…STAT!! And love everything about your weekend…the Sperry's, the coral shorts, the food! Great weekend!
I love the Anthropologie necklace!!! Yellow looks great on you too!
Ummmm maple bacon doughnut?? Amazing. I love love your yellow dress! And I am not too shocked about tomkat either… he dumped nicole right at the 10 year mark when he would have had to hand over a bunch of money…. he's such a crazy… annnd pretty sure him and john travolta are in the same homosexual boat and he keeps just trying to cover it
jealous of your boat outing!!!
Hey girl! After reading your post with the J.Crew necklace the other day, I actually went straight to EBay and typed "J.Crew Bauble Necklace" into the search. Many options came up, I ordered one teal and one yellow, both $14.48 with free shipping…so hopefully this info helps your readers find the necklace! Can't wait to receive mine!
Oh my goodness! Your little boy is ADORABLE!! He's got one gorgeous momma too! I loved everything about your post…the outfits…the FOOD!! Love Anthro. I'm so glad I stumbled across your blog!
Now following!
I love the yellow dress! So cute! The necklace of course is fabulous! Your son is so cute omg! I really like your neon shorts! Super cute outfit!
Oh I need those shoes for Matthew, so adorable!!
I'm DYING over Sterling's shoes. He seriously needs to be in a Ralph Lauren ad. That kiddo is too adorable for words!
xoxo, Sarah
Sterling is TOTALLY a frat star in training, hehe! I love that picture of you two on the boat!
So much in one post! Love!!! I also love that you called out the oh poor Tom didn't see it coming! Please! Such publicity to make him look not so controlling and then now Kate all of a sudden look strong! Please!! (: