As I sit here typing this I feel myself getting emotional. Today is Frances Moon’s second birthday. I no longer have a baby anymore I have a toddler. I know everyone says it but the years really do fly by once you have children. It feels like yesterday I was checking into the hospital a day after my due date to be induced. I still remember waiting too long to get the epidural and feeling probably more than I should when I delivered her because she came so quickly. and then holding her in my arms for the first time, still shocked and amazed I had a daughter. You see I pictured myself with all boys. I honestly didn’t think I would have a daughter. I am so close to my mom and sister that I didn’t worry about not having a daughter but a part of me still longed one. Then God answered my prayers in the form of Frances Moon.
Frances Moon you are a true spit fire just like your namesake. I know my Mimi ( the real Frances Moon ) is smiling down from heaven watching you. These days your favorite words are no, no idea, and Frances. You love to eat anything and everything but your favorite food food is probably cheese. You get that from your Mama:) You love your baby dolls. You take them everywhere we go. We can’t leave the house without baby and her bottle. It warms my heart how much you love them. You also love horses, dogs, dancing and coloring.
No one else has a personality quite like you. You are sassy and opinionated and sweet all at once. You always make the funniest faces so I had to document them in honor of your second Birthday.
Frances Moon I love to you the moon and back again a million times over. Happy 2nd Birthday my sweet girl.
Thank you to Lucy Cuneo for capturing the birthday photos of Frances.
She is the best! Happy happy birthday sweet FM! Thanks for sharing these great moments…made my morning!
Happy birthday to this sweet princess!!! love the professional photos
She is precious! Happy Birthday!
She is simply one of the most gorgeous little girls! Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday Frances Moon! She will be a great forced to be reckoned with.
Happy Birthday, Frances Moon! Can't believe how fast 2 years has gone by
Where is my spoon because I could eat her up!!!! Happy Birthday little lady!
That last picture is my favorite!! You have your hands full!!
Happy Birthday Sweet Frances! xx
She IS a cutie….(why isn't she included on hubby's web site?)
Happy Turkey day!
She is such a cutie! Love these pictures too. Happy Birthday to your princess!
She is so stinking cute! She looks like a little Drew Barrymore in some pics!
Happy bday frances
That face…and that tummy…too adorable for words – a very happy birthday to Frances!!
Oh my goodness, beyond cute. Happy birthday to your little girl!
Gah! She is so much cuteness in one little package! Her personality comes through in very photo! Happy thanksgiving and happy birthday!
Happy birthday frances moon
the one of her in the blue seahorse dress is the BEST. love that face. happy birthday, frances moon! and happy thanksgiving to you and your family!
Absolutely adorable what a cutie France's Moon is, Happy Birthday!
Could she be any more perfect?! I love that crown!