Hi Friends! I’m Natalie Mason. I live in Charleston, SC and I am mom to Sterling 12 , Frances Moon 8 and our mini golden doodle Dolly.



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Watermelon Margaritas + Entryways

Aug 30, 2012

Last Friday Matt and I made the tastiest Ritas, Watermelon Margaritas.  You must make these they are the bomb.com. 

I had a bunch of watermelon left from our weekend boat ride and thought hmmm…. what should I use this for??   It was way too much to eat before it went bad so I juiced it.  Then I just added the juice to my regular skinny margaritas, pure goodness I tell you.  If you don’t have a juicer you could still do the watermelon in a blender.   However I might strain it through a colander unless you want chunks of watermelon in your drink. 

 How cute are my little glasses and pitcher?  That was a vacay score in Pawleys at a totally random Consignment store,  for get this, $11 for the pitcher and 6 glasses- I kid you not!  I love this vintage glass set and have already gotten my $11 worth out of it!

Here is what you need for this tasty drink.


{makes 2 ritas}

– 4 shots Tequila

-2 Limes juiced

– 1 Tablespoon Agave Nectar

-4 shots Watermelon juice

Pour all in a shaker over ice.  Shake and pour into salted glasses.


My parents are coming in town this weekend and we are rearranging a few things in my house.  For some reason I have a hard time redecorating or moving things around without my mom’s input.  She always knows best!   I always love having a second opinion because if it was left to just Matt we would have surf boards and fishing rods hanging on every wall in our house, no joke.  He once asked me if we could hang his fishing rods above our bed and he was dead serious that he thought that was the perfect decor.

 We are primarily working on Sterling’s Big Boy Room plus moving a few things around in our dining room/den.  When my in-laws moved here Matt and I were lucky enough to score their old Hutch and it is coming to my house this weekend to reside in our Dining Room.   Which means our buffet is getting moved to our den and our TV table will become our Entryway Table. That is one of the main areas I can’t wait to spruce up!   Here a few entryways I love.

So, dish what do you love in an entryway?  Mirrors?  Framed Pictures?  Flowers?  Artwork?  Stacks of Books?  Don’t worry hopefully I will have pictures next week of our progress.  Happy Thursday!

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  1. Girl. You know how to make a drink. I will tell you that right now. I am contemplating coming down to SC just so I can get a stylish buzz. Love these entries! The one with grasscloth gets me EVERYTIME!

  2. Jill says:

    i need to spruce up my entry way too, but I first have to do Matthew's room. We started the stripes on his wall yesterday and I have ordered his new desk. I am doing it piece by piece so hopefully it will be finished by Christmas. Isn't it nice to have a parent (or friend) who can help with your decorating.

  3. Love a good table and mirror in an entry! Can't wait to see it!

  4. Liz says:

    I laughed out loud at the fishing rod comment! Glad they are staying behind closed doors and not being used as dreamcatchers above your bed. Scary stuff 🙂

  5. Brooke says:

    I want a margarita, or two!



  6. Fishing rod over the bed?? He should be best friends with my fiance! Love it. I love mirrors, stools and flowers in an entry.

  7. That's the cutest set ever. I've been reading your blog for awhile now and you just have the most adorable style ever. Thanks for all of your hosting, decorating and food/drink ideas!

  8. 1. I must make those ritas immediately. 2. Such gorgeous inspiration. I personally love fresh flowers and artwork but a good mirror can never hurt either!

  9. Sarah says:

    In an entry way I LOVE the table obviously, with gallery wall behind.. pictures framed with oversized mattings, then a fun lamp, beautiful books, a bauble or two, then something green moss balls, topiary, or fresh flowers.. and a pretty catch all for keys.. I'm sure whatever you do will look great!

  10. tpatters5 says:

    I have been reading your blog for awhile and I just wanted to tell you how enjoyable it is. I really like your style, but more importantly how you present yourself. Immensly likable and charming.

  11. cassidy says:

    I love that pitcher and those glasses! Great find!

  12. Emily says:

    Can't wait to try the watermelon margaritas! I love watermelon so these sound great! I am the same way with decorating, I always want my Mom's opinion so when she comes to visit we always have a million things to do!

  13. Kristi says:

    I love the fourth entryway! I just got married in July and am slowly trying to get the bachelor pad redone. I'm stuck on a paint color for the living room and hallway. The husband is so ready for me to pick a color. I've bought at least 10 samples and none are right. Boo 🙁

  14. The Now says:

    Those glasses and pitcher are fab. And I really like the idea of layering in the entryway…tables with benches underneath look so great!! xoxo

    P.S. Make sure to check out the giveaway that The Now and Swirl are hosting. It's for a $50 J. Crew gift card.

  15. YUM! Trying this one….
    and I wish my home looked like ANY of those pics! lol xo


  16. Junkshow says:

    Thank you for posting these gorgeous entry way designs! Did you pin them?

  17. Junkshow says:

    Thank you for posting these gorgeous entry way designs! Did you pin them?

  18. Nancy says:

    I love mirrors in the entry, and art. A proper welcome!
    Love your watermelon marguerites! You are too cute.