Hi Friends! I’m Natalie Mason. I live in Charleston, SC and I am mom to Sterling 12 , Frances Moon 8 and our mini golden doodle Dolly.



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Scenes From Our Weekend

Jan 23, 2017

Grateful- exactly how I feel after my post Friday.  You guys blew me away with your comments, emails, texts and messages after my post Friday.  I was ready to share but at the same time I was apprehensive.  You ladies lifted me up, encouraged me, gave me hope, love and inspired me.  I honestly can’t thank you enough.  This is a difficult and dark journey I have been on and I know it will continue to be trying but your kind words and encouragement meant so much to me. 

Thank You from the bottom of my heart, ya’ll are amazing. 



Thursday night I headed out to an event at Zero George for The Hilliard Studio Method a fitness studio based out of Charlotte.  Next time I am home I am definitely gonna try and fit a class in.  The ladies that do this workout have incredible figures!  We are trying to convince them to open a studio here in Charleston! 

What I wore:

Dress also HERE and HERE | Booties | Earrings | Watch | Purse

I am wearing a small in the dress, it runs TTS.

After the event we stayed for a drink and a nibble at the bar.  

They make the best drinks at Zero George.  I went with my old trusty,  the Dirty martini,  but they have so many fun and innovative ones to choose from.

I always love their cheese platter, although I have really never met a cheese plate I didn’t like.

They only make a certain amount of burgers each night and we got lucky they had one left so we all split it.  Let me tell you, it was hands down the best burger I have ever had.  I am not even a huge burger person but I was drooling after this one.

Friday I finally tested out my new Vitamix and loved her.  I can tell I am going to be using her often. 

I bought this copper version

I made this smoothie: coconut water, 1 banana, 2 handfuls spinach, frozen mango, frozen pineapple, and a scoop of Greek Yogurt.  I am working on a post I will run soon with all my favorite smoothie recipes. 

Loving this floral tee.  I am all about some florals.

Floral Tee

Friday was lunch at Butcher and Bee, easily one of my favorite lunch spots. 

I finally tried their Veggie burger that was just written up in Bon Appetit.  It was sooooo good!

Friday night was super low key the kids and I watched Norm of The North.  Saturday was a quick workout and then we worked on cleaning out and boxing up clothes.  Follow me @shopsnoopnattynatcloset I will be doing a blog sale this week with some of my clothes.  

I am a huge fan of this workout top that can be worn tied or not tied.  It is perfect for barre and yoga.

I am wearing a size 6 in both the tank and leggings.

Tank | Leggings

After that we hit up the mall to escape the rain.  

That afternoon I met a friend for a glass of wine at The Dewbury.  Thank goodness for my girlfriends who take care of me on the weekends!

What I wore:

Blouse (buy one get one 50% off) | Necklace | Jeans | Pumps

Fries + Aioli:) Clearly I didn’t watch what I ate this weekend.  Back on the train today.

Sunday it poured rain all day so we headed to the Aquarium.

That display is all legos- I mean how amazing.

Sterling is shark obsessed so he was in heaven.

Currently crushing on statement Earrings.



Have a wonderful start to your week.

Scenes From Our Weekend

May 23, 2016

Scenes From Our Weekend

Jun 23, 2014

Scenes From Our Weekend.

Jan 23, 2012

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  1. Jill says:

    I swear didnt they just renew their vows a couple of weeks ago and she was gushing how much in love they are….. well apparently not:(

  2. megan says:

    We also had a great "nothing planned" weekend! So bummed about Heidi & Seal. The radio this morning said apparently he has anger issues.

  3. Aw Sterling is so precious in his little boots. I love that they are camo, I have a feeling if (down the road obviously) I have a son there will be lots of camo in his future. And I agree, weekends with no plans are by far the best ones.

  4. Im so bummed about Hiedi and Seal too. I loved them. Looks like you had a great little weekend!

  5. Virginia says:

    I am so bummed about Heidi and Seal! They seemed so in love on camera and always had great things to say about each other in interviews! I was shocked when I heard they were divorcing today! Have a great week!

  6. I mean your son could not be any cuter! Looks like a perfect weekend!

  7. sampenner says:

    Those tulips are so beautiful Natalie! It looks like it was a fab weekend for you and your fam. Your little one is absolutely adorable. I am so excited to dig into Elle. I love seeing it in my mailbox. Yay for Reese being featured. Isn't she stunning on the cover?



  8. Sterling is just too cute!! Always love seeing pictures of him. I'm honestly shocked and sad about Heidi and Seal. I'm a big fan of Heidi on Project Runway, and I thought they always were more down to earth and truly valued their marriage…they always spoke so kindly of each other and seemed to be really in love.

  9. im surprised they are splitting up too! i thought they had a good marriage??

  10. Sterling is just so adorb! I need to get P some rain boots!

  11. We had the same kind of weekend but threw in two kids birthday parties 🙂 Sterling is adorable! Those also dishes look delish! Will definitely need to try those recipes out. I thought Heidi and Seal were so in love too! So sad….

  12. Bud and Leo says:

    Sterling is just as precious as ever and those boots are adore! Love that he's so in love with them too 🙂 And don't get me started on heidi and seal I'm seriously upset they seemed so happy! What is up w/ Hollywood 🙁 I guess celebs aren't as perfect as they seem 😉

  13. That food looks so yummy!! Sterling is adorable. 🙂

  14. Alexa says:

    Looks like such a great weekend, your little man is so cute!

  15. I looove tulips!! And I'm upset about Heidi and Seal too! They have 4 kids between them…I mean, work it out!

  16. Dina says:

    Yum! I hope we get the recipes this week for those yummy looking photos! I swear by your recipes and have tried a ton, thanks!

  17. Jenna says:

    Your little man is too cute – especially in his rain boots!

    Those bean tacos look amazing – I'm adding them to my recipe list 🙂


  18. Those boots are too cute on him! I also have been meaning to pick up some tulips!

  19. Taylor says:

    So jealous you can be at the beach still!! I agree about Heidi and Seal -so so surprised! I saw some tulips for $5 a bunch this morning I think I'm going to have to pick some up! I've caught a couple of episodes of Scouted too and love seeing how different they look at the end!

  20. The thing about instragram is that I already know most of this, ha! Sterling is so darling. I've looked at those rain boots for lilly, they're all so cute.

  21. I am glad I am not alone in being sad about Heidi and Seal 🙁

  22. that quesidilla sounds beyond incredible!

  23. Still shocked over Heidi and seal. But on a lighter note, your little man is beyond adorable. seriously the cutest little guy ever. I love your blog so much. It always makes me smile. you're so fabulous. I hope you'll follow back soon. xo


  24. I my gosh, I hadn't heard about Seal and Heidi! That is awful, they were always one of my favorite celeb couples )c: But those boots are so darling!!! He is such a cutie patootie (c:

  25. Tulips, great food, the beach and sweet family…sounds like a pretty amazing weekend to me! 🙂

  26. Oh those quesadillas look so delicious!!! Just found spinach here so I'll be making this tomorrow! Thanks for the inspiration!
    And yes!! I couldn't believe it when I read about Seal and Heidi, they looked so perfect to me…
    PS: Sterling is the cutest 😉

  27. Sara Mueller says:

    Your boy is so adorable! I will definitely check out Hatley for boots for my boy.

  28. Val says:

    Sterling, warms my heart!!!!!!!!! I felt pretty bummed about Seal and Heidi. Sigh

  29. KelliA says:

    Scouted is one of my favorite shows!! I love seeing the makeovers they give the girls.

    Those quesadillas look amazing! I must make those soon. Yum!

  30. My Hudson has a Hatley raincoat with moose all over it. It is precious! Such great quality, for a fair price. Your little man is A-DORABLE!!!


  31. Hamptontoes says:

    Your son is adorable. The boot thing I totally get. My son wore his rainboots all summer long, even when it wasn't raining. Your meals always look so good! I'm too a tad saddened by Seal/Heidi. I guess any marriage ending is sad, especially when little kids are involved. Here's to a great week!

  32. emily says:

    Looks like the perfect weekend and Sterling is absolutely adorable! I was totally bummed too when I heard about Heidi and Seal.

  33. Nuha says:

    LOVE scouted!! Such an addicting show!! And you just broke the news to me about Heidi and seal— I'm completely shocked!

  34. Oh my gosh, your little guy is the cutest thing ever.

  35. Michelle says:

    I know! H and S were so cute together, they were making it happen! I hate when people break up, sad.